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11 August 2015
I have made a few toys from wood and where I can I use scrap pieces, paddles, stocks, cross etc.

Deleted member 1463

Love this post on eco friendly toys... I never knew wooden dildos was a thing. I like glass but for a little build up / teasing.
I'm also very impressed with your war on plastic ways and have been trying my best too ... Baby steps.

Back to toys though....

I want a wooden dildo now :rolleyes:


9 November 2015
Love this post on eco friendly toys... I never knew wooden dildos was a thing. I like glass but for a little build up / teasing.
I'm also very impressed with your war on plastic ways and have been trying my best too ... Baby steps.

Back to toys though....

I want a wooden dildo now :rolleyes:
Be rude not to have one :D just think of how your be saving the planet :sneaky::whistle::flick:


18 July 2015
Love this post on eco friendly toys... I never knew wooden dildos was a thing. I like glass but for a little build up / teasing.
I'm also very impressed with your war on plastic ways and have been trying my best too ... Baby steps.

Back to toys though....

I want a wooden dildo now :rolleyes:
Being in Wales we have no choice but recycle or face being fined, we’ve become a little obsessive with it and always looking for new ways of ditching the dreaded plastic. (y)

Deleted member 1463

I could scream with the people who just don't care for being eco friendly around here. Fly tippers and wasteful people :eek:
Well done you guys. It does get a bit obsessive though I'm with you on that.
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18 July 2015
I could scream with the people who just don't care for being eco friendly around here. Fly tippers and wasteful people :eek:
Well done you guys. It does get a bit obsessive though I'm with you on that.
I’m obsessed atm with our black bag rubbish, I’m determined to get it down to zero but the soft plastic gets in the way, unless we stop buying from supermarkets and pre packed meat. We will get there though this year (y)
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10 July 2018
I could scream with the people who just don't care for being eco friendly around here.
Hand on heart, given governments, industry and the rest, my little bit doesn’t add much if I didn’t and doesn’t help that much if I do.

BUT recycling genuinely doesn’t bother me in the least, and stuff like having eco friendly lights doesn’t bother me one way or the other.

I guess when it comes down to it, I side with this cartoon.

19 March 2015
Hand on heart, given governments, industry and the rest, my little bit doesn’t add much if I didn’t and doesn’t help that much if I do.

BUT recycling genuinely doesn’t bother me in the least, and stuff like having eco friendly lights doesn’t bother me one way or the other.

I guess when it comes down to it, I side with this cartoon.

View attachment 65014
There’s a lot to be said about the difference (as well as yes correlation) climate change and whether it’s a hoax et al, to plastics floating in our seas. In the water cycle, in the food chain.
Seeing turtles dying due to plastics wrapped around them.
Blue Planet and all that.
The climate change and global warming ‘panic’ going on that’s being shouted from the rooftops, kids going into meltdown as they did last week (crying their hearts out as they’ve a lost future..) is something I too am undecided about.
But the sheer amount of rubbish ending in landfill that can, should be, is recycled / recyclable - is wrong.
Plastics is the scourge of our planet along with emissions.
Recycling is definitely up there for us with our priorities and we’re not eco mad by any means. But eliminating as much waste as possible, as in ‘black bag rubbish’ is a serious thing here and we are always concerned with the amount that’s just being dumped left right and centre.

One of HRH’s aunts, recycles zero. Zilch. Nothing. That shit is not cool :( (n)
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19 March 2015
Hand on heart, given governments, industry and the rest, my little bit doesn’t add much if I didn’t and doesn’t help that much if I do.

BUT recycling genuinely doesn’t bother me in the least, and stuff like having eco friendly lights doesn’t bother me one way or the other.

I guess when it comes down to it, I side with this cartoon.

View attachment 65014
I have to ask you my friend, how much of this do you think is BS? I too am very sceptical about some of it. Some I believe is happening, is real is current.. Some though I distrust.
Also, as you've pointed out = governments & industry. They are the worst for all this and then persecute & hammer the little man as we 'all' have to accept a responsibility. Which I do get, but they need to do more man...
Well go and tell the Chinese that then. Go and punish the Mongolians because over there, it is fucking brutal and the air quality is toxic.
Seen the hate as well as love for Greta Thunberg? Sheesh.. :eek:
10 July 2018
There’s a lot to be said about the difference (as well as yes correlation) climate change and whether it’s a hoax et al, to plastics floating in our seas. In the water cycle, in the food chain.
Seeing turtles dying due to plastics wrapped around them.
Blue Planet and all that.
The climate change and global warming ‘panic’ going on that’s being shouted from the rooftops, kids going into meltdown as they did last week (crying their hearts out as they’ve a lost future..) is something I too am undecided about.
But the sheer amount of rubbish ending in landfill that can, should be, is recycled / recyclable - is wrong.
Plastics is the scourge of our planet along with emissions.
Recycling is definitely up there for us with our priorities and we’re not eco mad by any means. But eliminating as much waste as possible, as in ‘black bag rubbish’ is a serious thing here and we are always concerned with the amount that’s just being dumped left right and centre.

One of HRH’s aunts, recycles zero. Zilch. Nothing. That shit is not cool :( (n)
Oh, don’t misunderstand me… my view is, simply, a numbers game:

If I do recycle, and do my bit etc., and it turns out there was no need (because in a few years, ‘science solves it all’), what are the chances I’ll regret having recycled, etc? I doubt I’ll regret it at all.

If I don’t recycle, and it turns out there was every need, what are the chances I’ll regret my attitude? Huge, I think. Massive.

So, makes sense, it’s perfectly rational, to ‘do my bit’, especially since doing so doesn’t [really] inconvenience me.


On a tangential point, as a general rule of thumb, my asking:

‘if I do X and it goes tits up, how likely am I to regret it’


‘if I do Y, and it goes tits up, how likely am I to regret it?’

does, I’ve found, help me in making binary decisions. A lot.
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