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26 October 2018
That’s a good attitude to start with, but not necessarily applicable in all circumstances. If, for example, (and this is just an example, obviously) I’ve tried sex with much younger women and found that, for whatever reason, I don’t enjoy it as much as with women closer my own age, I don’t think it’s out of order to say ‘no women under 40’. Similar, if a fella finds - after experiencing slimmer women - he enjoys sex more with larger women, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to say as much.

So, prejudging, yes, I wholly agree; it’s daft to shut off opportunities/new things, but it’s not daft to conclude after experiencing that you don’t like x or y.

(honourable exception for straight/gay; I wouldn’t ever suggest to someone who’s gay that they just try the opposite sex, nor someone who’s straight to just try someone of the same sex.)

But the point I am making and as in your example is that you opened the door walked through , found it wasn’t for you ! So yes you can and should put no ladies under XX
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10 July 2018
But the point I am making and as in your example is that you opened the door walked through , found it wasn’t for you ! So yes you can and should put no ladies under XX
Glad we agree… but yes, walk through the door is a nice way of putting it. You can close the door afterwards if you choose to. Thank you for the nice imagery.