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Scotland, Great Britain And Europe



flooded to overflowing with all sorts
Please don't even go here! I am appalled with Britains take on the refugee crisis. Thousands of people just like you and me, there families dead and we want to send them back to a war zone! Or leave them on the edge of Europe to starve!
We are some of the richest country's in the world. I am sure history will look back on this time with the contempt we do with the atrocity's of world war 2.
Reactions: Pearls


18 July 2015
We has lovely beaches and mountains you know, oh and sheep, very strange ones too


England would stop the Barnett formula that subsidises Scotland, begin ship building again, move our submarines to Devonport and create a new oil port in somewhere like Hull or Newcastle
in comparison to the 53bl taxes we pay i still think we are getting the shitty end of the stick was far as the Barnet formula goes. to reopen you ship building ports and take the jobs away from the Clyde and Aberdeen would be a astronomical cost and absolutely pointless. Why would company's move from trusted work forces to new one, untested with cost that would be needing to recoup money for the construction of new facility's.
26 July 2016
This is my comment on this subject as I am not getting drawn into this as it would me revealing too much of my private life.
As a person that has lived and worked in the Arab states many of these so called refugees come from it is my opinion we are idiots to have let any of them in without backgrounds checks but only time will prove me right. Try speaking to the people from Saudi and ask them why they are willing to give them billions in aid but won't let them in the country and the same goes for many other Arab countries with the exception of Jordan and the problems they are causing is far worse than anything the EU has seen yet. This is not something someone has told me its something I have seen and suffered because of it .
Reactions: Pearls


I respect your comments and would never expect you to divulge into your private life. still got the love for the Bolton massive.xx
Reactions: Pearls
24 February 2016
I think we should all stick together as on United Kingdom but work more closely and we will be strong again, we all need each other more than ever
Reactions: Pearls


I think we should all stick together as on United Kingdom but work more closely and we will be strong again, we all need each other more than ever
still not sure, got a lot of love for the U.K, but we have been fucked over a lot of times!.xx


government offers very little intensive, had to beg for a descent rail link London, still only limited fights to London and only from Glasgow and Edinburgh nothing for the northern communities. it really feels like they are just happy to have us up there and not bothering the financial capital to much and tax us extra for the privilege.
Reactions: Pearls


Taking this to a European perspective I live and work in the EU, I live in Germany and mostly work in France. Forget what you hear on the news, the average French and German person is so envious of the UK and the Dutch are pressuring their Government about an exit plan. The plain fact is, the EU is rotten and corrupt. We have a Parliament in Strasbourg with over 1,500 elected members and no power. But in Brussels we have 26 Commissioner's who have been placed there by their respective Governments either as a favour or in the case of Peter Mandleson to get him out of the way till the heat dies down! These 26 people have more power than the European Parliament! These people are riding the gravy train and will do everything in their power not to upset the status quo. The idea of a united Europe is a lovely thing but all it's doing is profiting a few greedy people. When Mandleson took up his post he had about £1.7 million in the Bank which he didn't really want to talk about, when he left his post he had £17 million and was under an internal investigation! Now he sits in the Lord's! Democracy in action people!


As for the Scottish Shipyards, the EU made it easier for the German Shipyards to undercut the Scots ones hence the reason P&O and Cunard ships are built in Hamburg and not on the Clyde! Nothing to do with the British Government. At least Britain's new fleet of Warships are being built in Scotland. They could have been built far cheaper in Germany or South Korea!
Reactions: Pearls


Oh sorry, thought it was the start of a joke....."Scotland, Great Britain and Europe walk into a bar......" Great discussion and thread.
Reactions: Pearls and Admin
28 December 2016
My view is that we are a united Kingdom. Until that changes we had a referendum including all of the member states of the untied Kingdom and the result was we should leave Europe. I think that's what we should do as a united Kingdom.
I do think that each of the member countries of the United Kingdom have their own rights to govern but I also believe that complete independence would be a huge mistake and weaken everyone enormously. I believe to be part of Europe first any one country would have to leave the United Kingdom and then apply for a place in Europe.
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