Scotland, Great Britain And Europe

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That's terrible. The way I see it, if you are of Scottish descent and have a Sottish bloodline/birth certificate etc, then you should have the right to vote.
That is bullshit.
I do not agree with Sottish independence, but I do believe in a democracy and being given the chance to vote for your home country and her future.
That's disgusting to be honest. (n)(n)
I agree, but there is nothing I can do. You could be Brazilian and live and work in Dundee and you will get a vote. I was born in Scotland, but left over 20 years ago, so I am not eligible. There is a lot in politics thats not right, but thats life
19 March 2015
I agree, but there is nothing I can do. You could be Brazilian and live and work in Dundee and you will get a vote. I was born in Scotland, but left over 20 years ago, so I am not eligible. There is a lot in politics thats not right, but thats life
That is utterly appalling tbh. I didn't know that and I find that absolutely appalling. She is your motherland and you have every goddamned right to vote for her future whether in or out.
Terrible. (n)
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I cannot believe there hasn't been a motion or petition to get this sorted? Hardly democratic eh? Pffffff.
if things were democratic you would get PR, in Westminster. But that aint going to happen. In fact the form of PR etc thats in place in Scotland was meant to stop the SNP, but that didnt happen either
4 August 2017
High Wycombe
Whether they should be aloud to stay in the EU or not is immaterial, since the UK is the member not is component nations.
Northern Ireland is in a unique constitutional position in this as the only part of the UK which could re-join the EU without going through an application process. The Northern Ireland agreement gives the Northern Ireland assembly the right to call a referendum on uniting with the Irish Republic. If such a vote were held and went in favour of a united Ireland, then Northern Ireland would leave the UK, and join both a united Ireland, and the EU.


Northern Ireland is in a unique constitutional position in this as the only part of the UK which could re-join the EU without going through an application process. The Northern Ireland agreement gives the Northern Ireland assembly the right to call a referendum on uniting with the Irish Republic. If such a vote were held and went in favour of a united Ireland, then Northern Ireland would leave the UK, and join both a united Ireland, and the EU.
Northern Ireland are going nowhere as long as Mrs. May keeps throwing cash (that we apparently did not have to prop up the N.H.S) at them.x


Northern Ireland are going nowhere as long as Mrs. May keeps throwing cash (that we apparently did not have to prop up the N.H.S) at them.x
Keep going.. I have had problems sleeping so I think this will help
