Sexual Thoughts Of The Day...

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19 March 2015
It’s not all good. Divorce rates be high next year.
also some couples are facing more abuse than ever as a result.
Physical violence will be massive.
Domestic abuse? All time high.
Jealous of the couples who still love and care for each other.......
That’s without bringing kids into the equation and how we’re meant to feed families 4 x a day.
but swingles - we are jealous of your non-worries of having to provide. Pay all bills as normal inc council tax etc.
Miss your cuddles. Some of us are worrying about real shit. ?
26 December 2019
It’s not all good. Divorce rates be high next year.
also some couples are facing more abuse than ever as a result.
I know, I'm jealous if the intimacy couples can have. This is the first time I've ever lived aloneAfter 39 years and I've not seen another human for ages. I cant even join in on work/friends video chats as I dont have bradband only limited mobile data. I know being in a relationship isnt all rosy but some parts are magical xcx
19 March 2015
I know, I'm jealous if the intimacy couples can have. This is the first time I've ever lived aloneAfter 39 years and I've not seen another human for ages. I cant even join in on work/friends video chats as I dont have bradband only limited mobile data. I know being in a relationship isnt all rosy but some parts are magical xcx
Speak to your neighbour. They’re possibly still feeling the same.