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Deleted member 3411

I see sexuality is a spectrum, people can be 100% on either end (Totally straight or totally gay), or varying things throughout the middle. Some people are as changeable as the seasons.
I remember reading this as a teen in Forum magazine, an article that changed my life. There is no straight, bi, gay, just sexuality. We are all in a spectrum we like what we like. Even though I term myself as straight that's because I'm not interested in sexual activities with men, but I still enjoy porn and seeing a hard cock in action. If I was totally straight I'd feel repulsed at the sight. I guess the one thing that gave me a reason to question my feelings was the first time I encountered images of sexy looking women with cocks having sex with women. Found that somewhat sexy, but not a wish to spend time with them should add.
10 July 2018
Sexuality isn't something you buy off a shelf in a shop, all nicely packaged and labelled. I have no real definition for myself as I think my sexuality depends on the time, place and person or people I'm with. I do not fit the Bi label, I do not fit the straight label, I'm just me.
I don’t disagree with any of that.

(I’m reminded of a superb American news vox pop that asked straight people who insisted people chose to be gay, “and when did you choose to be straight?”.)

I didn’t pick my sexuality, off a shelf or from a shop, and didn’t choose it.

I’m just straight; that’s just the way I am.


Do you even see it?
Sometimes it’s clear cut, sometimes not so..

I'm a 'straight up, red blooded male'... whatever that means..
But, I've enjoyed some other things in life.. It is what it is; enjoying the moment. ;)

Do you class and define sexuality within a jar? Do you label and align with that?
Not saying there's anything wrong whatsoever in doing that, but do you see sexuality as a grid for the want of a better word, where one is in one position and maybe yourself in another?

For example, @Pearls doesn't class herself as anything.. she is just herself and that is just her. She is who she is. :) x

I tend to feel people, rather than see them.
(And no, I don’t mean feel them up...unless that’s what ya fancy :D)
But “feeling” someone in that way bypasses a lot of things, gender, sexuality etc.

No, I don’t define my sexuality. Everyone assumes I’m straight and I don’t contradict them. I find it quite amusing that we don’t have to ‘come out’ as straight.
Definitions, to me, feel restrictive but I can appreciate some of the reasons they might appeal. Figuring out who we are as individuals is a tricky business, labelling and categorising is one way we can try to make sense of it all.

19 March 2015
Sexuality isn't something you buy off a shelf in a shop, all nicely packaged and labelled. I have no real definition for myself as I think my sexuality depends on the time, place and person or people I'm with. I do not fit the Bi label, I do not fit the straight label, I'm just me.
Agreed. It’s about the there and now I suppose for a lot of people.
I tend to feel people, rather than see them.
(And no, I don’t mean feel them up...unless that’s what ya fancy :D)
But “feeling” someone in that way bypasses a lot of things, gender, sexuality etc.

No, I don’t define my sexuality. Everyone assumes I’m straight and I don’t contradict them. I find it quite amusing that we don’t have to ‘come out’ as straight.
Definitions, to me, feel restrictive but I can appreciate some of the reasons they might appeal. Figuring out who we are as individuals is a tricky business, labelling and categorising is one way we can try to make sense of it all.

Totally. xx
I mean, I can see someone’s photos - be it male or female and think; blimey that’s a stunning photo. Doesn't make me bi, gay.. straight, pan. It is me. I'm seeing something I can appreciate regardless of that persons gender.
As far as identity is concerned, I consider myself as pansexual because I see no gender, only the person at that moment in time. Gender doesn't come into it for me. I see beyond that, past that.
As someone who was very much homophobic, I now see gender was a barrier whereas now I see beyond that. It’s something I don’t quite see as a barrier.
HRH has embraced it and I am further in love with her as a result. :love:
Smushy I know but it's true.


18 July 2015
Agreed. It’s about the there and now I suppose for a lot of people.

Totally. xx
I mean, I can see someone’s photos - be it male or female and think; blimey that’s a stunning photo. Doesn't make me bi, gay.. straight, pan. It is me. I'm seeing something I can appreciate regardless of that persons gender.
As far as identity is concerned, I consider myself as pansexual because I see no gender, only the person at that moment in time. Gender doesn't come into it for me. I see beyond that, past that.
As someone who was very much homophobic, I now see gender was a barrier whereas now I see beyond that. It’s something I don’t quite see as a barrier.
HRH has embraced it and I am further in love with her as a result. :love:
Smushy I know but it's true.

Deleted member 8095

I think there is too much emphasis on labels nowadays, society says we have to fit into a neat little box on a shelf with a label attached, well that's not for me I'm afraid, I've shed the labels and expectations of society and now just go with the flow, see where the journey take me. (Paul)


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Something just occurred to me
I would really really like some cock!
Haven't had any in ages and being bisexual in a straight relationship it's just hard to get any willy without any man just wanting V and not thinking of me.

I do have a male partner already but his sexuality left us a few years back when his transplant kidney failed, something that cannot be helped and I feel the same way in love with him as I always have thought of him

Vanessa is my love and my life and I will do anything to make her smile and laugh and obviously be satisfied in every way ? ? ?
But for some reason, I'm still craving cock

Any thoughts anyone? x
N xxx
(I did post this on another thread but that's because I got the wrong one and not because I'm spamming I promise ? )
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