I think this says it all, it's become a default position for lots of clubs. It's also indicative of the whole night economy whether swinging clubs, vanilla clubs, or pubs places have got set in their ways and unwilling to change for fear of upsetting the all powerful regulars.Most clubs do limit the number of single guys they allow in. I did ask the owners of my local club why they did this and they told me they would like to allow more in but most of their members are couples and it's the couples who don't like too many sg's in the club. Unfortunately they are seen as a nuisance, get pissed, get in the way or other excuses. Oddly this doesn't seem to be a problem if it's single females.
So whilst the club would like more single guys they cannot afford to loose their main income stream, the couples.
I'm not agreeing or defending their comments, only passing on their reasons for the cap on single guys.
Years ago I worked in a pub that was dying on its arse during the week because it focused solely on the regulars, Monday was darts, Tuesday doms, Wednesday league doms, Thursday was quiet night (for the old ladies as the governor proudly stated) the problem was none of these attracted any one new to come in and none were frequented by more than twelve people. Oooppps I slipped off topic sorry, but seriously my idea of running a chess night in parallel to doms was disregarded because what about the non-league doms crowd, which to me seemed the same as the league doms player. Oppps slipping in to a vaguely related rant sorry.