Single Guys, Couples And Ladies' Entry Prices Into Clubs

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3 February 2016
Most clubs do limit the number of single guys they allow in. I did ask the owners of my local club why they did this and they told me they would like to allow more in but most of their members are couples and it's the couples who don't like too many sg's in the club. Unfortunately they are seen as a nuisance, get pissed, get in the way or other excuses. Oddly this doesn't seem to be a problem if it's single females.
So whilst the club would like more single guys they cannot afford to loose their main income stream, the couples.
I'm not agreeing or defending their comments, only passing on their reasons for the cap on single guys.
I think this says it all, it's become a default position for lots of clubs. It's also indicative of the whole night economy whether swinging clubs, vanilla clubs, or pubs places have got set in their ways and unwilling to change for fear of upsetting the all powerful regulars.

Years ago I worked in a pub that was dying on its arse during the week because it focused solely on the regulars, Monday was darts, Tuesday doms, Wednesday league doms, Thursday was quiet night (for the old ladies as the governor proudly stated) the problem was none of these attracted any one new to come in and none were frequented by more than twelve people. Oooppps I slipped off topic sorry, but seriously my idea of running a chess night in parallel to doms was disregarded because what about the non-league doms crowd, which to me seemed the same as the league doms player. Oppps slipping in to a vaguely related rant sorry.
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Deleted member 3657

Unfortunately they are seen as a nuisance, get pissed
Rather ironically, I was at a club recently and it was the female half of couples who were causing the nuisance. One was so pissed she couldn't talk and the other caused agro with another couple. She wasn't as pissed as the first one though but still pretty much 3 sheets to the wind.


18 July 2015
ok. my 2 pence!!!!!

It is SEXIST. there I said it.

I get no club wants a million horny single guys. so instead of charging an extortionate amount of money, limit the number of single guys allowed in instead!!!! simple fair and easy (just like me)

soon these guys will learn that they can pay £60 to get in and not get anywhere, or £60 for a shag with a hot escort.

So yeah, sexist and extortionate, its why you wont see me at one of these events
Ok as most will know here I am one of the many few women that fully support single guys in this scene and have said it's unfair with pricing, but sorry @BatDan it's actually the men that have set these rules by they're own mistakes which sadly has ruined it for all the genuine well behaved gentlemen. I have personally seen guys grope, talk pure filth to ladies, couples, T-girls, coming into clubs pissed and wanting sex. This is not swinging, I have also seen the hard work that goes behind the scenes, this is mostly keeping genuine people safe. I do see the points made though x
5 July 2016
I am not educated in the ways of the clubs in the slightest but I would dare say it is a case of supply & demand.

B x
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Deleted member 3411

I did observe one thing that made me puzzled. An event advertised. Gang bang event. "Ladies come and be given the time you've always wanted, an afternoon of wild sex with a room full of respectful men ready to do you're bidding".... women free single guys £80.. er.... now I can undestand wanting to limit guys by pricing high on normal club nights, but surely at THIS this event for once you NEED to encourage lots of guys!
19 March 2015
I did observe one thing that made me puzzled. An event advertised. Gang bang event. "Ladies come and be given the time you've always wanted, an afternoon of wild sex with a room full of respectful men ready to do you're bidding".... women free single guys £80.. er.... now I can undestand wanting to limit guys by pricing high on normal club nights, but surely at THIS this event for once you NEED to encourage lots of guys!
Ad-hoc rule management and positive discrimination.
Epic, isn't it?


3 February 2016
I did observe one thing that made me puzzled. An event advertised. Gang bang event. "Ladies come and be given the time you've always wanted, an afternoon of wild sex with a room full of respectful men ready to do you're bidding".... women free single guys £80.. er.... now I can undestand wanting to limit guys by pricing high on normal club nights, but surely at THIS this event for once you NEED to encourage lots of guys!
This bring to mind the phase 'if you're not paying, you're the product'

Deleted member 16044

That's the problem guys are seen as a cash cow and loads will pay it. Personally I think the quality of single guys in clubs is normally rock bottom but if they are gonna pay the club will take the dish off them. Personally I suspect most guys are sick of knock backs on sites so they don't try very hard any longer and think clubs will be the answer and sadly they are not
Not sure if I think the quality of single guys is rock bottom...I like rock and a bottom

Deleted member 16044

That's the problem guys are seen as a cash cow and loads will pay it. Personally I think the quality of single guys in clubs is normally rock bottom but if they are gonna pay the club will take the dish off them. Personally I suspect most guys are sick of knock backs on sites so they don't try very hard any longer and think clubs will be the answer and sadly they are not
also sad that single guys have to constantly take knock backs so do women by the way
all I hear at times is you ought to try a club at £60 just to get in the door and you get nothing for that money

Deleted member 16044

After paying that amount then this is the problem x
that could be said to be true
does the £60 door entrance mean that all the single ladies are dropping at your feet or up for it, sadly not

Deleted member 16044

We find the clubs that have a strict limit on the numbers of guys allowed on any given night the best. We have been to clubs that have a real problem with the numbers of guys some nights to the point I have seen a couple walk to the play area followed by a gang of over 20 men. Indeed 1 of the last times we went to a club I had to defend my wife from a gang of Asian men who thought any woman was up for grabs. The nearest 1 found out what happens if you touch my wife as a quick punch in the gob soon got him to understand me.
can also see this as another reason why clubs charge so much you would not find a big group of women like that well I have never seen a group of gang women it is normally gang men and sure if they pay a mortgage to get in then this is another problem clubs face
and I here guys and women saying but it is not fair
so when this happens I can understand why then surely it is important for clubs to keep an eye on numbers and ratio
not sure why though a penalisation is hit on single guys one charge for all and keep tabs on numbers and get to know your customers
most do
any trouble just see the boss I was told when I went to Eureka but there was not any in my direction everyone was doing their own thing and the only way for it to change is to make it new legislation and that will not happen
if couples are charged £60 then you would think the couples would want something for their money attitude it runs across the whole broad spectrum here and am glad I do not run one x x x
going to London and drinking london prices
going to the theatre
seeing your favourite band ....would cost you a lot more
and I know people who buy football season tickets
in this context it is about the same level
swinging though is not a hobby
a club opens to make money not lose it

so I do not know
what did our ancestors do lol x x x
19 March 2015
This is it, the problem is ratios.
As a result, clubs give levies to couples and single females. This means that it has to come from somewhere - so they can open doors at whatever day of the week etc.
In turn, this means that single gents have to pay more.
Not only because more have caused issues for clubs (not our words) and should pay more, but also because they eventually have to pay a subsidy for the percentage decrease for couples and single ladies.
In essence; single guys are cashcows.

It's like allowing single guys to watch, get a kick but not touch.....

Unless they pay heavily for doing so.
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18 February 2020
This is it, the problem is ratios.
As a result, clubs give levies to couples and single females. This means that it has to come from somewhere - so they can open doors at whatever day of the week etc.
In turn, this means that single gents have to pay more.
Not only because more have caused issues for clubs (not our words) and should pay more, but also because they eventually have to pay a subsidy for the percentage decrease for couples and single ladies.
In essence; single guys are cashcows.

It's like allowing single guys to watch, get a kick but not touch.....

Unless they pay heavily for doing so.
I would love to watch not for the kick but to learn how it all works never done anything like this and would like to see how it all works
9 January 2018
Anything that has a link to sex is always more expensive. I call it 'sex tax'. Want to buy a riding crop? Sex shop or BDSM site £10 -£15, local equestrian shop, under a fiver. Local councils want to get in on the act as well and bump up business rates and licencing fees for clubs. The end result is that everyone thinks clubs are making vast profits. Remember their main source of income is the gate money, profits aren't bolstered by bar takings in the way they are in a normal nightclub.

I think club owners are between a rock and a hard place, if they need a certain income to make a profit (to stay in business) and they spread the entrance charge equally between the attendees couples and singles will vote with their wallets and go to another club leaving them with a sausage fest that won't last long because the guys will stop going because there are no women there.


18 July 2015
Another thought:

Why don't people complain about women getting into conventional nightclubs free or cheap?
I have. I think it’s discrimination when women want equality. If clubs want to charge crazy prices for men then why use the throuple and charge up to £80 for a ffm to get in but not allow mmf? Using the single guy again to pay and get two females in.
There are plenty of ways that clubs can do things differently but when it comes down to it. Money talks.


9 November 2015
Clubs be they swinging or otherwise seem to get away with positive discrimination ,as has been said it’s ratios you need a mix , I don’t think you can compare Swinging Clubs to any normal night out , sports event,theatres etc .... yes the cost may be more but you buy in most cases an Adult ticket can you imagine the out cry at a football match if women were asked to pay 50% more ??? Swinging clubs are a business,no one starts a business to lose money , if the numbers of couples /women don’t cover your costs and make you a living then you need the “cash cows “ to make it viable .... many clubs now seem to be opening during the week “Milf clubs,Greedygirls “events and the like , it’s not to entice women or couples ... they need the “cashcows “ to be drawn in ,all the time they can and men are prepared to pay through the nose they will never change ... it’s a business there to make money anyway they can ....
9 January 2018
I don't know what the answer is but can only talk about it from our point of view. I haven't got the patience for long, drawn out message tennis. Especially when experience tells us that most of the guys are just after wank fodder*. If we meet them in a club they have already shown that they are prepared to go out and get what they want. We like single guys but we still wouldn't go to a club that was a sausage fest, the same as we would never play with someone that was part of the 'single guy Conga' that you see following couples and single females around sometimes.

*we don't do wank fodder by message, only by memory