Single guys.

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Deleted member 16044

Not here. We would rather everyone speak their mind. We wouldn’t ban you for freedom of speech unless it was something that required a ban, not many people get to a ban unless they are found out to be fake or worse. ??
single guys make nice cream pies they hit you between the eyes
some of us women here are not easy targets and behaviour from guys is not always wanted or explempory x x excuse meee spelllllllllling having a meltdown
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Deleted member 16044

It is all too easy to describe negativity
We do way too much assummations
Love can build many bridges
too many people hold grudges
single guys always make a mess of me but hey cant find one and no single guys need to learn to respect others and not be so damn forceful save it for the bedroom
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Deleted member 16044

too many people hold grudges
single guys always make a mess of me but hey cant find one and no single guys need to learn to respect others and not be so damn forceful save it for the bedroom
and say sorry if they know they were in the wrong
us women do get the brunt of the pack at times
but we need to take stock and if someone treats me unfairly they get the same treatment back it is not right but then so is being in my face and rude that goes for anyone

lets have love all single guys hour
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18 July 2015
Ok this is an observation.
So, single guy joins a site, he’s not shy with media and comments if you know what I mean :whistle:
He gets a couple of meets but also gets turned down and maybe treated quite badly from some.
Then the single guy meets a woman and they become an item.
Now. The people that turned him down as a single guy wants to meet him now he’s part of a couple! Surely the same act is going to happen?
Why meet the same folk that turned you down before?
I don’t get that and if it was me as the guy, I would have to say sod right off.

Deleted member 11852

To be honest we have met up with mostly sg,s and the meets have been great fun..we still chat regularly to all of them and have become really good friends in the process..everyone from this site we have met up with have been really nice genuine gents..yes we do get the rude messages from some of the idiots but we just don’t reply..the majority on here are lovely..we have arranged to meet one at the birthday bash and hopefully will be meeting some of them throughout the long as it gets better..W.. :tiphat:

Deleted member 16044

Honestly sometimes it feels like being a second class citizen .... but there are those that are always good and welcoming ...
Clubs ,been down this road many times ....single blokes are the “cash cows “ entice them in have their pants down ..... also excluded on weekends? As if we don’t have a life that means Fridays are a non starter ...
Sites this is the one and only one that really welcomes us and again single blokes paying makes revenue... it’s simple economics from what I can see ...
Socials ... well as I have organised the next one we will see how that pans out ,
but the main draw in this lifestyle will always be single women... be that couples or men a large proportion will be chasing the same thing ...
have to say not everyone does it I recently received messages from a couple whose preferences are not single men but they we good enough to chat to me..,
Blokes get bad press in this lifestyle yes some are complete cocks ... but others of us just want no different to couples and single ladies a fun time ,not endless grief just because we happen to be Male ...
There are people in this lifestyle that accept and welcome us because it’s what they are searching for ... to them I can only say thank you ... :tiphat:
The ladies will always get the comments... if you look here that proves that point .. looks at the gallery where are the comments ,the votes for MOTM it’s the ladies ,I’d probably guess 99% are blokes commenting... ladies tend not to I guess they are all shy ☺
If I think of anything else I’ll come back:rofl:
Waits for incoming ???
Are you going to pan us all out? I want the wok lol
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Deleted member 16044

Ok this is an observation.
So, single guy joins a site, he’s not shy with media and comments if you know what I mean :whistle:
He gets a couple of meets but also gets turned down and maybe treated quite badly from some.
Then the single guy meets a woman and they become an item.
Now. The people that turned him down as a single guy wants to meet him now he’s part of a couple! Surely the same act is going to happen?
Why meet the same folk that turned you down before?
I don’t get that and if it was me as the guy, I would have to say sod right off.
I am with pearls x
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11 November 2019
Ok this is an observation.
So, single guy joins a site, he’s not shy with media and comments if you know what I mean :whistle:
He gets a couple of meets but also gets turned down and maybe treated quite badly from some.
Then the single guy meets a woman and they become an item.
Now. The people that turned him down as a single guy wants to meet him now he’s part of a couple! Surely the same act is going to happen?
Why meet the same folk that turned you down before?
I don’t get that and if it was me as the guy, I would have to say sod right off.
[/QUOTE But it’s hard enough for some to even acknowledge you besides reply to a message,only a small minority of members that is though?

Deleted member 16044

Women can be as rude and nasty and in the wrong as any bloke ... and do they ever say sorry ?
This thread will spiral down a hole of us against them but as I said single women love to rule the roost and can get away with saying loads more than a bloke before the :alert: is pushed ...
well I know you not pressing my buttons since our first bad start

or wrong footing or whatever you fancy calling it
not here to hold grudges
two wrongs do not make a right
SORRY ..see I said it first ha ha ha


9 November 2015
Ok this is an observation.
So, single guy joins a site, he’s not shy with media and comments if you know what I mean :whistle:
He gets a couple of meets but also gets turned down and maybe treated quite badly from some.
Then the single guy meets a woman and they become an item.
Now. The people that turned him down as a single guy wants to meet him now he’s part of a couple! Surely the same act is going to happen?
Why meet the same folk that turned you down before?
I don’t get that and if it was me as the guy, I would have to say sod right off.
Obviously not me :D That’s a relief thought my bollocks were about to be chewed again.....
Isn’t it preferences ? If he’s now part of a couple .... when meeting he has the draw ... the lady ... whereas before he didn’t ...
If you were that person interested in the other lady... now as part of a couple you get to fulfill what was turned down ?
Good question hasn’t happened to me so I don’t know ?‍♂️.... would I ...?:whistle:
11 November 2019
Ok this is an observation.
So, single guy joins a site, he’s not shy with media and comments if you know what I mean :whistle:
He gets a couple of meets but also gets turned down and maybe treated quite badly from some.
Then the single guy meets a woman and they become an item.
Now. The people that turned him down as a single guy wants to meet him now he’s part of a couple! Surely the same act is going to happen?
Why meet the same folk that turned you down before?
I don’t get that and if it was me as the guy, I would have to say sod right off.
A few of our members won’t even acknowledge you let alone reply to a message ??

Deleted member 16044

I used to be the quiet child
one who was told to shut up
hey learnt my first swear from my mum and dad
children should be seen and not heard era
I learnt to then speak my mind
I had to keep a secret from family and protect them for years because of the damage and rift

this is what happens online and in life

people do not take time to get to know someone they rush in head strong and think it is what the lady wants
sometimes we have to learn to back off
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18 July 2015
Obviously not me :D That’s a relief thought my bollocks were about to be chewed again.....
Isn’t it preferences ? If he’s now part of a couple .... when meeting he has the draw ... the lady ... whereas before he didn’t ...
If you were that person interested in the other lady... now as part of a couple you get to fulfill what was turned down ?
Good question hasn’t happened to me so I don’t know ?‍♂️.... would I ...?:whistle:
I disagree. He wasn’t good enough to meet the couple when he was the same guy but single but now he is. It’s the same person doing the same thing. So to speak. Doesn’t self respect come into it?
I see it as the same attitude as “guys if we want you” know what I mean. ? I know what I mean but it’s hard putting it in words ?

Deleted member 16044

That’s why we have this thread so you can tell everyone how you feel. No one should be blanked.
but blanking out is a form of cop out
she said this and he is saying he could not fight his corner
perhaps he knew deep down he was in the wrong just a tad
but then thought do not give a damn lets just ignore her 3 weeks on

Deleted member 16044

after all I was speaking my mind on how I felt and maybe I was to blame
maybe I should not be here because people want to make wrong jugdgements of me
and anything I said after that I was made to feel it was my sodding fault
so there you have it

I Know my boobs are what they are I do not need a bouncing up and down symbol ta muchly it does not do me any favours of me thinking omg he thinks my boobs bounce and how rude and never ever saw them anywhere else displayed only nicer ones but hey who the feck am I silenced me ever since and call yourself nice and you cannot even apologise and just get over it like did and I am telling you how it has felt for me
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