Sleeping Beauty

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18 July 2015
yes ive heard about that 'innovation' - and how we shouldnt pressurise children into being a boy or a girl. im all for inclusion, come one come all, but where does it end
We need to invest in lots of gaffa tape, we will all walk around silent :D
24 November 2015
I read last night you can now get a visa credit card for your child so they learn to manage money ,what's this world coming to
9 January 2016
I read last night you can now get a visa credit card for your child so they learn to manage money ,what's this world coming to
I would say though, I have learned through my job, that there are a hell of a lot of people who have no clue about money. Not sure either way if i think this is a good idea or not, but people need to be educated early on how to manage money thats for sure - that said, the old ways like pocket money and money boxes for example arent a bad place to start.
24 November 2015
I would say though, I have learned through my job, that there are a hell of a lot of people who have no clue about money. Not sure either way if i think this is a good idea or not, but people need to be educated early on how to manage money thats for sure - that said, the old ways like pocket money and money boxes for example arent a bad place to start.
I dont think giving a young child a credit card is a good way to help them all this will do is breed jealousy among the lesser income families
9 January 2016
I dont think giving a young child a credit card is a good way to help them all this will do is breed jealousy among the lesser income families
a fair point indeed - we've moved on from toys and bikes, now its iPhones and credit cards. I feel for parents of young kids, impossible job
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9 September 2017
If he was a real Prince Charming he would have used a wand on her to make sure she woke up with a smile on her face :D