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So Long...farewell

  • Thread starter Scrunchy&Muffet
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Ok guys so some of you on here know that ive been dealing with some real life issues recently. In fact that was the reason i had a short break a few months ago.
Things havent really improved for me and so ive decided to take another break. This one however may be permanant.
I need some time out to sort some things out and i have alot of thinking to do.
I have made some really wonderful friends here some that i will cherish always. They have always supported me throughout all. So huge thank yous to you....you know who you are. And to all the friends we have made....those we have met amd those we havent, thank you for being a part of our journey and lives.
I will be around for the rest of today but as of tomorrow...i wont be here. So enjoy yourselves....and stay naughty.

Much love
Di and Steve xxxx


15 September 2014
You know my personal thoughts and feelings on this.. xx
Good luck to you both. You'll be missed. xxx
I can only reiterate this. xx

Deleted member 3175

Oh guys you will be sadly missed. It has been a pleasure to meet both of you and a massive thank you for all your support and advise. We will miss you you both soooo much but understand that sometimes real life comes first. Again your both amazing and we wish ya alll the best xxxxxxx

Deleted member 2610

Wow really sad to hear this. You've both made me feel part of the family here and has been a great pleasure to meet you both.
Hope all works out for the future. Your friends are always here to chat and have a virtual coffee with.
Take care both of you.
Welsh cwtch xxxxxx


@The_Usual_Horny_Couple awww thank you guys. You know how we feel about you guys. You are simply awesome....genuine and so much fun. It was an absolute please meeting you and helping you guys. Xxxxxx

@Therapon hey my little chicken...not called you that in ages lol. You were are original yoda . Thank you for everything youve helped us with But thank you yep still have your number. You never know when you might get harrased lol. Mwaaah xxxx

@sexytats yep we are a big dysfunctional family lol and we will miss you loads. Ot was a pleasure meeting you. A true gent xxxxxx

@peakcouple aww thanks guys. Much appreciated xxx
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What a bloody shame.
And another one bites the dust. Its really sad to see long standing members dissapear.
Especially valuble staff.. and people who we have come to think of as freinds...but its not as easy 'staffing' this place as some would have you think is it..
Its extremeley difficult, especially when real life issues, are indeed taking their toll, and for you both they unfortunately are.
You are the giddy giggly side of the staff.. the sweetie, the one to see good in everyone.
You will be sorely missed.. but you will be back.
Dont be hasty, think about your descion?
We will always be here..
You have my number, my door is always open... I maybe percieved as a toughie you know me better...
What can i do to make you stay? Licky licky ..
Your party invite will be in the post...
This is not Goodbye...
This is simply.....
See you soon... xxxx
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls

Deleted member 1030

I don't know what to say, except we're gutted. Do you know, you were the first SS members that we ever met (albeit much too briefly), outside the Travelodge near the VA.
We hope you can sort out your RL issues ASAP and get your lovely selves back here where you belong xx


Really sad to hear but RL is always the priority, hopefully this won't be goodbye just a bye for now.
You're a lovely pair & you'll both be missed.
As everyone else has already said, we'll all be here for you both if you decide to return & we're hoping that you do.

Wishing you both all the best
xx Mr Bump & MrsGrind xx


Its a bit FECKIN late for april fools!! Is it not!! xx
Now listen to your yoda now..
You know it makes sense, stop blubbering and stay.. hey log on occassionally..
Shall i delete this thread? Naughty mare. Xx
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Thank you guys that means alot it really does. Xxxxx
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