so why are swingers so kinky?

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27 April 2015
Well be it kinky we all are, fetish hungry, pervs or otherwise, (or even normal lol) !!, We love it been a part if it all, Thanks everyone xx
27 April 2015
You're not born with confidence , it's easily acquired with the right wording and persuasion x
we maybe agree, but a lot of people through their own life experiences are not as confident as others, and often what is an accepted normality for one, is the opposite for another, and no matter what the right wording or persuasion, nothing will work til they are ready and prepared to move forward !!! x
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8 November 2015
we maybe agree, but a lot of people through their own life experiences are not as confident as others, and often what is an accepted normality for one, is the opposite for another, and no matter what the right wording or persuasion, nothing will work til they are ready and prepared to move forward !!! x
I bet my bollocks to a barn dance nobody can define "normal" x
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27 April 2015
I bet my bollocks to a barn dance nobody can define "normal" x
we would again agree, but your version of normality may not be someone elses, hence why the person has to be confident enough to be unleashed to your confidence levels, and confidence is not something your born with lol !!
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