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Being relatively new to this, we didn't have a profile on Drab Mingers ( sorry @Pearls i saw this on another post and it made me chuckle ), but i did have a run in with them earlier this year after a couple posted a photo of me as their avatar. Took me a while to figure out HOW to complain, no response, complained again . . . nothing, threatened them with a DMCA notice, still nothing. Eventually the couple took the photo down, but i thought if they are going to allow people to use false photo's on profile's AND ignore messages, then what does that say about the people running the site.


Being relatively new to this, we didn't have a profile on Drab Mingers ( sorry @Pearls i saw this on another post and it made me chuckle ), but i did have a run in with them earlier this year after a couple posted a photo of me as their avatar. Took me a while to figure out HOW to complain, no response, complained again . . . nothing, threatened them with a DMCA notice, still nothing. Eventually the couple took the photo down, but i thought if they are going to allow people to use false photo's on profile's AND ignore messages, then what does that say about the people running the site.
It's all being noted. For sure x
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15 September 2014
what does that say about the people running the site.
Everything! Which is why we're doing this.. (y)
If on there, the only time you see what is going on around you, is when someone comes along, pulls your head of the water - and you can breathe again.
It's only then can people see exactly what's going on around them.