Oh hell no.....Well good for you hun. Guess their bullying isn't going to work with you!x
Oh hell no.....Well good for you hun. Guess their bullying isn't going to work with you!x
It's all being noted. For sure xBeing relatively new to this, we didn't have a profile on Drab Mingers ( sorry @Pearls i saw this on another post and it made me chuckle ), but i did have a run in with them earlier this year after a couple posted a photo of me as their avatar. Took me a while to figure out HOW to complain, no response, complained again . . . nothing, threatened them with a DMCA notice, still nothing. Eventually the couple took the photo down, but i thought if they are going to allow people to use false photo's on profile's AND ignore messages, then what does that say about the people running the site.
Everything! Which is why we're doing this..what does that say about the people running the site.
check your sent box hun, says sent but there actually not. I want to see if it's just mine that's been affected and singled out.. thanks if you would. XOh discovered something though... you an put social swinging as title if message! Lol! X
check your sent box hun, says sent but there actually not. I want to see if it's just mine that's been affected and singled out.. thanks if you would. X
Thats what I like to hear and how many days we have to waitThis bang will be an orgy xxx