I am still a member, of this rather underhanded site!
I'm not active on there, I'll be honest I'm nosey, so yes I do there to snoop, and persuade

I am extremely careful, I know they read supposed private messages, I have be stopped from sending messages, several times. But have managed so far to elude a ban, won't be long I'm sure. I have seen young women beautiful young woman.. That's the problem beautiful.. Hounded and bullied to the point of tears on there! So vicious.. I've held a party and been messaged please please don't invite such and such I'm scared she'll rip me to piecesI kid you not!! All for the privilege of £5.00 per month..men too I've seen women claiming their stake and embarrassing fighting onscreen claiming their prize.. I'm actually quite embarrassed to say I was an active member, on the best?!! Pmsl swinging site around!! Bullshit.
We have/had two freinds who are mods on there. They came to our house, for a drink, one evening. The tales they told would make your hair curl.
They are unscrupulous scam artists. And for those who find themselves banned, I'd say they had a lucky escape!!
I shall of course, be waving them goodbye! Just after I've left a very public thread, informing their valued commodities (their users)
Just exactly what kind of people are behind the scenes. It will of course be removed.. But not until a few have seen it.. Whoa betide that grapevine aye xx
Well what I will say to this is... we are long overdue a genuine discussion here about this. But I don't like mentioning them, much like no one likes mentioning 'He who should not be named' as in Harry Potter.
The sad reality is this.
members who are on there, have
no idea of the underhand tactics that go on. They have
no idea of some of the tricks and bully tactics that are played....
They have
no idea that the bullying that goes on, is ignored and allowed to continue because frankly, the owners and admins don't give a shit.
They only care about the money.
The owner is worth over £1million, from a FREE site... yet they won't intervene and help assist people? They bully clubs, they blackmail clubs and members.. The list is endless.
It's only when you are out of the whole thing, do you see it all for what it is.
It's like being in the Matrix and genuinely I mean this.. People use the site 'happily' but without knowing it's all false, it's all bull.. it's not happy, it's not safe, meets you may get - but by damned it's a dangerous place to be.
Members there are like people in the Matrix. Our members here are people who have either woken up and are seeking alternatives, or are born outside of the matrix - new and don't know the dangers of there - or have been woken up by us.
So many people do not see what is in front of them. They are surrounded by greed, corruption, bullying, bully-boy tactics, ethically questionable business practices, sinister underhand tactics, club bullying, monopolising, poor business morals... And sooooo much more...
At Mrs MTF - let me know when please as I am keen to see that.