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Thank you and tbh @meandlis I think it will serve the site and community better if we cap and become invite only... I know it may take time to get there, but that's the idea. And we will cap and we will close registrations! :) x
Brilliant idea, hmm invite only, luckily I got in, before you become selective.
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15 September 2014
Brilliant idea, hmm invite only, luckily I got in, before you became selective. :D
Ai ai ai... you're telling me!!
But genuinely and like I said earlier in the thread.. (Don't know if you spotted it? :whistle: ) we won't be overrun and we won't be hundreds of thousands of users. That's a mistake as it's anarchy and chaos.
So, we will be capping. We will be shutting the doors and limiting numbers, and then will be invite only thereafter.
I announced it publicly yesterday and it has always been the plan. Granted it may take a year or three - but we're here for the long haul and are not going anywhere - and we will be stopping registrations. ;)

Thank God you made it now eh? :p :rofl::notworthy:


Ai ai ai... you're telling me!!
But genuinely and like I said earlier in the thread.. (Don't know if you spotted it? :whistle: ) we won't be overrun and we won't be hundreds of thousands of users. That's a mistake as it's anarchy and chaos.
So, we will be capping. We will be shutting the doors and limiting numbers, and then will be invite only thereafter.
I announced it publicly yesterday and it has always been the plan. Granted it may take a year or three - but we're here for the long haul and are not going anywhere - and we will be stopping registrations. ;)

Thank God you made it now eh? :p :rofl::notworthy:
Sorry, dude I'm not much use to anyone after a long shift, off until Friday though, so ull both have my undivided attention. :D
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15 September 2014
Don't apologise!! I'm just saying, you may not have seen it but .. you know, here's the spiel.. ;) x


18 July 2015
Just found out that another site begining with F has suspended @Biba for mentioning social swinging. If it wasnt for this site then this site wouldnt exist and we as a couple would have stayed there, too much bullying forced us to leave. We will not ban you for mentioning other sites and bullying will not be tolerated here, this is why Social swinging will be the best swinging site out there.

This well known site is a place for non swingers sadly...

People need to stand together and bring these bullies down....
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11 August 2015
I'm sure @Biba isn't going to miss that site but being banned for mentioning another site is a bit much, but I guess it shows how worried they are about the competition. I still have a profile there but not logged in for some time as I was getting fed up of getting messages from males when my profile clearly stated I'm straight. Best leave them too it and we can have fun here.
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18 July 2015
I'm sure @Biba isn't going to miss that site but being banned for mentioning another site is a bit much, but I guess it shows how worried they are about the competition. I still have a profile there but not logged in for some time as I was getting fed up of getting messages from males when my profile clearly stated I'm straight. Best leave them too it and we can have fun here.
Ive just found out this min another member has been banned for mentioning us, its wrong, I would never do that to anyone xx


15 September 2014
The best/worst bit is... They're banning people there for discussing on Twitter using freedom of speech!! :eek:
How can that be right?

Honestly, the people who use the site, have NO idea what they (the admins and owners and mods) get up to... :rolleyes:o_O
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I am still a member, of this rather underhanded site!
I'm not active on there, I'll be honest I'm nosey, so yes I do there to snoop, and persuade ;)
I am extremely careful, I know they read supposed private messages, I have be stopped from sending messages, several times. But have managed so far to elude a ban, won't be long I'm sure. I have seen young women beautiful young woman.. That's the problem beautiful.. Hounded and bullied to the point of tears on there! So vicious.. I've held a party and been messaged please please don't invite such and such I'm scared she'll rip me to piecesI kid you not!! All for the privilege of £5.00 per month..men too I've seen women claiming their stake and embarrassing fighting onscreen claiming their prize.. I'm actually quite embarrassed to say I was an active member, on the best?!! Pmsl swinging site around!! Bullshit.
We have/had two freinds who are mods on there. They came to our house, for a drink, one evening. The tales they told would make your hair curl.
They are unscrupulous scam artists. And for those who find themselves banned, I'd say they had a lucky escape!!
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I shall of course, be waving them goodbye! Just after I've left a very public thread, informing their valued commodities (their users)
Just exactly what kind of people are behind the scenes. It will of course be removed.. But not until a few have seen it.. Whoa betide that grapevine aye xx :)


18 July 2015
I shall of course, be waving them goodbye! Just after I've left a very public thread, informing their valued commodities (their users)
Just exactly what kind of people are behind the scenes. It will of course be removed.. But not until a few have seen it.. Whoa betide that grapevine aye xx :)
Bad girl and shall I give you a list haha xx
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11 August 2015
I shall of course, be waving them goodbye! Just after I've left a very public thread, informing their valued commodities (their users)
Just exactly what kind of people are behind the scenes. It will of course be removed.. But not until a few have seen it.. Whoa betide that grapevine aye xx :)
Feisty this morning aren't we (y)
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