Swinging And Families

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Hmmmmm.. well while I think that children hearing parents having sex isn't a totally bad thing as they grow up knowing this is a normal part of life swinging and children? NEVER. perhaps your teenagers or adult offspring may understand but little minds can't comprehend or understand.
Might be wrong but swinging in front of your kids might be considered abuse.

I think abuse is a very strong word to use. As parents and a loving couple you have sex in the house when the kids are in bed etc. That is not considered abuse so why should it be so if youre a swinger?

Im not talking of sitting your kids down on the settee and saying here watch this kids. That would be wrong!!! Im talking putting the kids to bed....making sure theyre asleep then maybe having friends round.

If im.honest i dont see the harm in that at all. Its adult time after all. Xx
19 March 2015
If it was someone we'd gained a very solid rapport with - and someone we'd known for a hell of a long time, then we may possibly consider it. But that would have to be on aforementioned; solid rapport, really really knowing each other and someone we'd known for a considerable time.
Other than that, still a no... :)

I'd doubt teenagers would be too understanding either, no guarantee adult offspring would too.
Whilst I'm not in favour & wouldn't while the kids are in the house asleep. It's probably irresponsible but maybe abuse is strong, unless you mean literally in front of them, in which case any sexual acts swinging or not would be abuse.
This, entirely..(y)


3 February 2016
I think abuse is a very strong word to use. As parents and a loving couple you have sex in the house when the kids are in bed etc. That is not considered abuse so why should it be so if youre a swinger?

Im not talking of sitting your kids down on the settee and saying here watch this kids. That would be wrong!!! Im talking putting the kids to bed....making sure theyre asleep then maybe having friends round.

If im.honest i dont see the harm in that at all. Its adult time after all. Xx
I still think it would be weird but for certain swinging arrangements I can see it happening after all we don't just play together once or twice many people are also friends that swing together over long periods of time.
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19 March 2015
I still think it would be weird but for certain swinging arrangements I can see it happening after all we don't just play together once or twice many people are also friends that swing together over long periods of time.
Exactly, put it this way.. we have done it, but was only with solid friends who we saw almost daily and had fun with on the weekends... But we almost lived in each other's pockets hence the strong rapport.
if it was a case of a one-off meet and someone coming to the house, then absolutely no way.
In one respect, what we need to consider is - if you have that strong relationship/friendship and rapport that I just mentioned we had once with another couple, then it's no different to you having a little fun on your own downstairs while the kids are fasto upstairs..
But a total (ish) stranger and getting things going then, would be a different ball game entirely I think.
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Our take on this is that as parents we wouldn't do it unless there were very exceptional circumstances. Saying that though I can see both sides of the dilemma having valid points. Whilst we are parents and love our children and want to protect them we are also each others lover and that's a bond that's just as strong.
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Exactly, put it this way.. we have done it, but was only with solid friends who we saw almost daily and had fun with on the weekends... But we almost lived in each other's pockets hence the strong rapport.
if it was a case of a one-off meet and someone coming to the house, then absolutely no way.
In one respect, what we need to consider is - if you have that strong relationship/friendship and rapport that I just mentioned we had once with another couple, then it's no different to you having a little fun on your own downstairs while the kids are fasto upstairs..
But a total (ish) stranger and getting things going then, would be a different ball game entirely I think.
I think there is a lot of swingers out there that have done this type of thing, as have we, but not as a one off with relative strangers ( which was my "wouldn't consider" from earlier, I wouldn't want to contradict myself).
So I can't help but totally agree with @Lips_Pearls. To there we go, one very well written, honest & well informed post maketh a very grey area, which I'm sure could divide opinion. This thread could run & run


We too have done this as it was our only option.
I think its good to talk about these areas as they are very real issues that we face. Its good to get other peoples take on it no matter which side of the fence you sit.
Thanks everyone for your input and opinnions xxx
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27 April 2015
It would be a No for us, if we knew, too big a risk, of nosey kids spotting something they shouldn't, however, what happens if they don't tell you the kids are upstairs ??? What if one, appeared mid play ???? I think a lot of clarification is needed in some situations especially if doubts are there re kids
26 July 2016
Well if you found an understanding couple then maybe you could find a place to play near by then 1 plays whilst the other stays home and baby sits the kids then the parents swap places.


A social get together yes. Otherwise a resounding no as the risk of little ones catching you in the act would be very damaging for them. But drinks and chatting in normal attire then side-by-side why not.


If it was a social meet then as long as there is some safeguards in place remembering you may have only met them for the first time. It's all about safeguarding the children. Now if the children were really young maybe a bit of soft play but that's it. My advice is when they are at school but can be difficult if working them hours.
10 December 2015
Barnard Castle
as the title says there are a few families I would like to see swinging ....from a bloody rope :)
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Some very good points have been put across here from both sides, but we wouldn't be comfortable knowing that little ones were asleep upstairs, you never know if they are going to wake up, what's wrong with sending them to the outlaws for the night, even now we have to pick our moments and the kids are in their mid 20's as Julie can be a bit vocal
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This happened to me years back when I was new to it all, went over to a couples house, had drinks, some nibbles, started warming up then moved to the bedroom, it was all going well i started getting vocal the more I was being aroused. The wife said do you think you could keep it down the kids are asleep next door!
I didn't have a clue, didn't think to ask where the kids were. I couldn't carry on knowing that, drove home a bit upset by it.
Each to there own I guess but not for me x
That happened to me as well, invited to a couples house and when i got there a youngish child was creating havoc upstairs. They said hold on a few minutes and she will settle down but they kept on running up and down the stairs to control her, had to make my apologies and leave pretty quickly
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