Not really, I don't think we think about that too much to be honest.I was having a quick look through the recent thread on smoking; people's responses ranging from smoking being sexy, to it being a non issue, to it seriously putting people off. In the thread I noticed a couple of people mention garlic and that it is something that is off putting for them...
So, that has brought me to this post. If you were meeting someone are there any foods that if they ate them would be off putting, due to how it would make them smell or taste?
To expand on the idea of smells being off putting - could a perfume/ aftershave/ lotion be a potential problem? For me lavender gives me migraines, if someone was doused in the stuff it may be problematic...stopping play due to intense pain is a downer.
Conversely, are any tastes and smells particularly appealing? To again come back to the smoking thread, someone mentioned pineapple juice and it's... ahem..alteration of the taste of one's bodily fluids... would something like that, or a particular smell be a winner for you?
As long as the person is clean, smells fresh and is hygiene conscious - it's not really something we'd give too much thought into really. x