text talk is a real turn off

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While overuse of text speak is annoying, I don't mind the odd lol or rofl. In fact, I think it's part of a healthy evolution of the language.

What REALLY grinds my gears is the use of bloody awful spelling, punctuation and grammar by businesses. McDonalds is the absolute worst for this - for a start, it should be McDonald's, "i'm lovin' it" should be I'm loving it (really winds me up, that one), and it's not a bloody "drive thru" it's a DRIVE-THROUGH!

No wonder kids have a flippant attitude towards spelling. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

U WOT M8 :)


My brother has a nasty habit of using ome in place of home.
You're saving 1 letter FFS!

Edit - I use abbreviation without even noticing sometimes! But do notice the correct use of You're :)
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11 August 2015
Hex to char conversion C8 = H, C5 = E, E7 = X.

And talking of annoying things some newpapers are difficult to beat,

‘Tiger Woods Plays With Own Balls, Says Nike’
This just in! ‘Diana Was Still Alive Hours Before She Died’
‘Hooker Named Lay Person of the Year’

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15 September 2014
Yes I thought so, hex colour code.. I didn't want to say in case I was wrong. I thought two things;
1 hex and 2, server coding. ;)


i is a nutter @Pearls, u knows tha like :lol: I findz it disturbz me 2, but i cant really do nought about it now like, iv got 2 live like it i suppose, oh wells nvr mind hey hahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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22 March 2015
I have been browsing a few of the threads on here, and have noticed quite a few posts with wot, wat, u, carnt, aint etc. this type of talk really grinds on me. Posts with bad grammar, punctuation and spelling, and especially text talk just annoy me, and are a HUGE turn off. Does it bother anyone else or is it just a grumpy old man thing ?
Hate it and it is so annoying, the fact I do not understand is bad enough x
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Totally agree with the tread but as a dyslexia sufferer I relly on spell check although it doesn't always work whereas looby is fantastic at grammarand spelling so please make allowances,to anybody following us it will be obvious who's posting the reply

@Looby&Lew spelling mistakes i can live with, i make enough of them myself, but i was specifically referring to text talk like 'w8 4me' etc . . . and expressions like 'coolio' and 'innit'. I would never criticise anyone for making spelling mistakes.
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18 October 2015
My pet hate as frequent report writer and reviewer is not the abbreviations or the text speak but the bullshit used by managers to make themselves look intelligent. Oops did I say that out loud (think inner voice Looby):D:D
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My pet hate as frequent report writer and reviewer is not the abbreviations or the text speak but the bullshit used by managers to make themselves look intelligent. Oops did I say that out loud (think inner voice Looby):D:D

Haha 300 words to say something you can actually say in 30 . . . Sir Humphrey Appleby syndrome :)

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18 October 2015
See what I mean looby wrote that not that you needed me to say that if it's not in spelll check I can't do it
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15 September 2014
Slightly to one side of the topic (yes I hate text speak) but I had to share this. Even a university educated matron didn't see why this was wrong... in a Wigan hospital!

Hmm interesting point.
However my friend, some say it's actually the correct way of spelling a cubical in a hospital as opposed to a cubicle - in a desk/office arena.
Frustrating I know, as I'm not one for poor grammar shall we say but aye this is true.. :p

However, in UK English, no it's NOT correct... And here is my argument for poor Americanisation of the English Language :D