A bald Eagle landed......
Therapon Admin 11 August 2015 24,422 48,407 28 April 2016 #877 and casting a beady eye on one of the passengers it said ....
Therapon Admin 11 August 2015 24,422 48,407 28 April 2016 #879 because if it isn't you are going to be ........
Therapon Admin 11 August 2015 24,422 48,407 28 April 2016 #889 which annoyed the magic dildo so it decided to .... Reactions: Deleted member 1402
Therapon Admin 11 August 2015 24,422 48,407 29 April 2016 #896 Sat there contemplating his naval and ....
Therapon Admin 11 August 2015 24,422 48,407 1 May 2016 #898 To be found in any other nooks and crannies especially his ....
Therapon Admin 11 August 2015 24,422 48,407 1 May 2016 #900 Sundry bits and pieces he had collected from....