The Spark..

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26 July 2016
I’ll preface this with a caveat: there’s surely a difference between ‘not getting that spark’ and ‘actively NOT feeling anything at all’...

Yep, but if that’s the only reason for being here, I’d better be off again.

If it’s ‘meeting without social could be amazing’, yes, it can be, and in the pat, I’ve had spontaneous meets that have been extraordinarily fun, and sexy. But spontaneous NSA/no social is the rarity, surely?

Trust me meeting for a social first more than a quick drink might be the norm here but most sites meeting for a meal or whatever is far from the norm. We have tried both and meeting beforehand is great if you have plenty of free time on your hands but lets face it most folks dont have it.
24 November 2015
Tbh in my past ive met a cple and a SG whom there as been very little spark on a social basis but bloody hell the cple were amazing and i still keep in contact with , and the gent in question certainly taught me some tricks
10 July 2018
meeting for a social first more than a quick drink might be the norm here but most site
Oh, I do trust you on that, certainly. And also, its probably worth noting that - as with so much - single M are the outliers, at least in my experience of listening to single F, in that there’s far more single M looking for quick drink/no drink before sex than either single F or MF.
26 July 2016
Oh, I do trust you on that, certainly. And also, its probably worth noting that - as with so much - single M are the outliers, at least in my experience of listening to single F, in that there’s far more single M looking for quick drink/no drink before sex than either single F or MF.
Whilst i agree that more blokes than women are looking for such things. Personally thinking most blokes cant be arsed with putting in the leg work to get a meet to the point of not even trying to compose even a half decent message and then wonder why couples dont invite them around.
19 March 2015
Oh, I do trust you on that, certainly. And also, its probably worth noting that - as with so much - single M are the outliers, at least in my experience of listening to single F, in that there’s far more single M looking for quick drink/no drink before sex than either single F or MF.
Yes mostly likely and I should imagine so! (y)
Whilst i agree that more blokes than women are looking for such things. Personally thinking most blokes cant be arsed with putting in the leg work to get a meet to the point of not even trying to compose even a half decent message and then wonder why couples dont invite them around.
Agreed and it's also the exact reason that social meets occur in the first place too. Better to be sure than not... for all parties concerned. :)
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14 February 2017
Okay, where do I start... thoughts all over the place so I'll try to get some sense of order and finish at the start :)

Let me preface that most of my swinging experience over the years has been based on other sites I've used (and there have been quite a few - you should see my internet bookmarks!) so anything I say is almost not an SS experience.

When contacting people (single ladies, or couples), it is ALWAYS daunting for single guys to make the first move. And yet it is almost always expected of single guys to make the first move. Throw in the added complication of that first message being "original" (how many original openers can you get between any given site where half the population are single guys?) and this presents its own initial challenge.

Then there's the time-gap: I have to remember that there's a real life out there, so just cause I haven't received a reply after a week, doesn't necessarily mean they aren't interested... the recipient might just have stuff going on in the real world. The trick is to keep an eye on the "Sent items" folder. Once I see my message deleted without a reply, I make a note not to contact again, as I don't assume the recipient is prepared to send a "Thanks, but no thanks" to every single they wish not to pursue further.

Once over that hurdle and a reply is received, the key is to keep calm, and try (as I remind myself) to not to rush a "Wanna meet??" line. Get the person's attention, take interest in them as a person, see if can give them a reason to want to meet. I always tell myself "I am one in thousands of guys, they could pick any guy they want... so what do I have to offer to make them want to keep talking to me?"

Hopefully I make a decent impression online, with a view to a face to face. Whether that's at an upcoming organised social, or a private "coffee" meet. NB: Anytime I say "coffee" meet I usaully mean respective parties meeting maybe in town at a pub or starbucks over lunch/quiet drink, or literarily coffee. Anything that happens after that is purely incidental of the individual arrangement, but not necessarily the agenda.

When I meet new people, I'm ALWAYS nervous as hell with usually one of two results: I either clam up and sit by msyself quietly, giving the false impression I'm an antisocial odd-ball. Or I go all hyper and talk a-mile-a-minute. Sometimes, both.

I have found as a single guy, when typically meeting single ladies, the onus is on the guy to bring the entertainment, start, hold and keep the conversatino going, yet without hogging the conversation so letting the lady express herself: I'm still struggling to strike that balance. With couples, I've found engaging both hubby and wife causes the conversatin to "bounce" along between all 3, so less likelihood of freezing, even though still possible. Its an intentional strategy,... once I get over the initial "clam up".

Somewhere along the line with all the nerves, all the adrenaline, all the build up over time, the aim is to remember to be chill: we are already here. Hopefully a spark of interest has built up over time (assuming all the hurdles above have been successfully tackled) and everyone is keen to see if the online/social spark translates to the physical. This is where staying perfectly calm and in control of ones pulse, heart rate and breathing is probably most important. Months of engagement all leading up to this moment.

And then you blow your load in the first 10 seconds.
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26 July 2016
Yes mostly likely and I should imagine so! (y)

Agreed and it's also the exact reason that social meets occur in the first place too. Better to be sure than not... for all parties concerned. :)
Thats why we always meet for a drink first, Just to make sure

Deleted member 3175

Okay, where do I start... thoughts all over the place so I'll try to get some sense of order and finish at the start :)

Let me preface that most of my swinging experience over the years has been based on other sites I've used (and there have been quite a few - you should see my internet bookmarks!) so anything I say is almost not an SS experience.

When contacting people (single ladies, or couples), it is ALWAYS daunting for single guys to make the first move. And yet it is almost always expected of single guys to make the first move. Throw in the added complication of that first message being "original" (how many original openers can you get between any given site where half the population are single guys?) and this presents its own initial challenge.

Then there's the time-gap: I have to remember that there's a real life out there, so just cause I haven't received a reply after a week, doesn't necessarily mean they aren't interested... the recipient might just have stuff going on in the real world. The trick is to keep an eye on the "Sent items" folder. Once I see my message deleted without a reply, I make a note not to contact again, as I don't assume the recipient is prepared to send a "Thanks, but no thanks" to every single they wish not to pursue further.

Once over that hurdle and a reply is received, the key is to keep calm, and try (as I remind myself) to not to rush a "Wanna meet??" line. Get the person's attention, take interest in them as a person, see if can give them a reason to want to meet. I always tell myself "I am one in thousands of guys, they could pick any guy they want... so what do I have to offer to make them want to keep talking to me?"

Hopefully I make a decent impression online, with a view to a face to face. Whether that's at an upcoming organised social, or a private "coffee" meet. NB: Anytime I say "coffee" meet I usaully mean respective parties meeting maybe in town at a pub or starbucks over lunch/quiet drink, or literarily coffee. Anything that happens after that is purely incidental of the individual arrangement, but not necessarily the agenda.

When I meet new people, I'm ALWAYS nervous as hell with usually one of two results: I either clam up and sit by msyself quietly, giving the false impression I'm an antisocial odd-ball. Or I go all hyper and talk a-mile-a-minute. Sometimes, both.

I have found as a single guy, when typically meeting single ladies, the onus is on the guy to bring the entertainment, start, hold and keep the conversatino going, yet without hogging the conversation so letting the lady express herself: I'm still struggling to strike that balance. With couples, I've found engaging both hubby and wife causes the conversatin to "bounce" along between all 3, so less likelihood of freezing, even though still possible. Its an intentional strategy,... once I get over the initial "clam up".

Somewhere along the line with all the nerves, all the adrenaline, all the build up over time, the aim is to remember to be chill: we are already here. Hopefully a spark of interest has built up over time (assuming all the hurdles above have been successfully tackled) and everyone is keen to see if the online/social spark translates to the physical. This is where staying perfectly calm and in control of ones pulse, heart rate and breathing is probably most important. Months of engagement all leading up to this moment.

And then you blow your load in the first 10 seconds.

Love it what a sum up!!! S xxxx
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11 December 2016
So you're in messages with someone, you think it's going okay and have even got as far as to possibly arrange a meet - but perhaps the spark just is not there.
Maybe you try and get things going and it just seems to not get anywhere? Perhaps the conversation is pretty flat?
What do you do? Continue and chase, continue with trying to chat and possibly go ahead with the meet or simply throw the towel in and give up?

As said above, this is a sex site. You can chat online as much as you like but to actually find out if you can all get along you really have to meet.
We have met quite a few people at socials and if we are being honest, our perception of them as online members was quite different to what they were like in reality. We can all be armchairs swingers ( not my words ) but the truth is simple, if you want sex then you have to get off the settee and meet up.
So to answer the question, if the online chat was going nowhere then we would want to meet up, there is nothing to loose by asking. Yes you may be rejected but it means you can stop wasting time and move on.
14 February 2017
As said above, this is a sex site. You can chat online as much as you like but to actually find out if you can all get along you really have to meet.
We have met quite a few people at socials and if we are being honest, our perception of them as online members was quite different to what they were like in reality. We can all be armchairs swingers ( not my words ) but the truth is simple, if you want sex then you have to get off the settee and meet up.
So to answer the question, if the online chat was going nowhere then we would want to meet up, there is nothing to loose by asking. Yes you may be rejected but it means you can stop wasting time and move on.

Absolutely! I know so many people (on a certain site I shall not name) that receive "webcam verification" after webcam verification. One lady in particular had over 100, in just over a year, yet had not actually met anyone: not at her home, not at theirs, not even at a social. Armchair swinger is quite apt. I was thinking "Virtual Swinger", along the lines of "Virtual girlfriend: for all those guys that liek to think they have a gf, but will never actually meet her".

And yet, according to that site, a verifcation (whether webcam or by meeting) is supposed to be a mark of a "genuine" swinger. Genuine in the sense you can vouch for that person as a swinger, and possibly recommend to your network of friends. Which is why as a rule I don't believe in Webcam verifications: it just means the person had the ability to get off their arse, go to ASDA and buy w webcam for a tenner. That's not swinging.

If you're gonna be a golfer, you have to golf: it takes more than just wearing the fashion, buying the gear, speakng the lingo and memorising the stats if you never hit a ball with a golf club. Likewise to be a swinger, you have to swing.


18 July 2015
Absolutely! I know so many people (on a certain site I shall not name) that receive "webcam verification" after webcam verification. One lady in particular had over 100, in just over a year, yet had not actually met anyone: not at her home, not at theirs, not even at a social. Armchair swinger is quite apt. I was thinking "Virtual Swinger", along the lines of "Virtual girlfriend: for all those guys that liek to think they have a gf, but will never actually meet her".

And yet, according to that site, a verifcation (whether webcam or by meeting) is supposed to be a mark of a "genuine" swinger. Genuine in the sense you can vouch for that person as a swinger, and possibly recommend to your network of friends. Which is why as a rule I don't believe in Webcam verifications: it just means the person had the ability to get off their arse, go to ASDA and buy w webcam for a tenner. That's not swinging.

If you're gonna be a golfer, you have to golf: it takes more than just wearing the fashion, buying the gear, speakng the lingo and memorising the stats if you never hit a ball with a golf club. Likewise to be a swinger, you have to swing.
The verification system is crap there, you can get verified by using a body shot without a face, how can that show you are the person behind the account with super model pics, yet people believe this. :confused::palm:

Deleted member 3411

I live in fear that one day I'll find out I'm a figment and don't really exist.....
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1 September 2018
Hmm, coming back to this;
I have a question.
What if the spark was initially there but then all of a sudden, immediately fizzles out for no reason?
Then what do you do?
Fan the dying embers of lust with a last ditch effort then if there is no hope of resuscitation move on and dont waste your or their time, as time is enjoying not trying. Xx G
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