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Things You'd Forgotten How Good They Were!

14 February 2017
Long Post Alert!!!!

I had forgotten how good SS was.

Those that have been around a little while will know I’ve been here for a few years but as a couple.
I arranged a few social meets at the VA so we could all get to know one another a little better.

Unfortunately my relationship ended a short while ago and had been quite problematic for some time. Things on my life were not great.

I hit an all time low and very nearly ended everything. With the help and support of a few people I got back on my feet and started the journey to find me again.

Part of that journey was coming back to SS. My thoughts on the lifestyle have not changed and if anything I should now find it all somewhat easier without a grumpy partner in tow!

I had forgotten how loving, kind and friendly SS was. @Admin, @Pearls and @meandlis have helped me to come back to the site and take that leap of faith that I needed.

Thank you all for welcoming me back, for being supportive and for all the banter. I love it and love you all
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