User Names - Initial Reaction.

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15 August 2015
This is good timing for me as only last week I've been kicking myself for choosing such a crap username! Unfortunately I've had it for so long I feel I'm kind of stuck with it.
However I have decided I am going to change it, I just need to decide what to change it to.

No one I've met has every commented on it but I'd be surprised if there wasn't a few people that found it off putting. If anything it shows how creative a person is as it's an opportunity to show off a bit of personality.
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Sorry but can't stand that word
It means crease. It is a seamstress word and actually existed before @Mel007 turned into something else..
Blame her..
It is still used today when someone wants permanent creases in trousers or curtains..
Sorry but live with it.
Twatt is also a real word too as is moist and cum..


It means crease. It is a seamstress word and actually existed before @Mel007 turned into something else..
Blame her..
It is still used today when someone wants permanent creases in trousers or curtains..
Sorry but live with it.
Twatt is also a real word too as is moist and cum..
I love the word.. Did I mention that !!! LOL


You use it now and then..
Can't say I had noticed much..
Funny enough though in Australia it's a word used to describe a friend who is being an idiot... We use fuckwit they use cunt..
I like it.
26 July 2016
It means crease. It is a seamstress word and actually existed before @Mel007 turned into something else..
Blame her..
It is still used today when someone wants permanent creases in trousers or curtains..
Sorry but live with it.
Twatt is also a real word too as is moist and cum..

Deleted member 1030

It means crease. It is a seamstress word and actually existed before @Mel007 turned into something else..
Blame her..
It is still used today when someone wants permanent creases in trousers or curtains..
Sorry but live with it.
Twatt is also a real word too as is moist and cum..
Just found this, I thought you @The_Bibas and @Mel007 would like it;


I think some do not think or perhaps they do.. and assume that cumslut sue has an appreciation for cockdeep dave.

Truthfully people do take note of user names, sometimes it can.put you off interacting, when behind the facade, there can be sometimes a fairly decent person.. not often but occasionally...
18 October 2015
I have been contacted today by a guy calling himself BigShagg who claims to be mature :rofl: on the basis of his user name and the fact that he's 30 I would beg to differ :D


11 August 2015
I have been contacted today by a guy calling himself BigShagg who claims to be mature :rofl: on the basis of his user name and the fact that he's 30 I would beg to differ :D

I'm still waiting for your reply :)

Names, no idea why some people use the names they do and I guess you have summed it up nicely. As both you and @meet_the_fockers say, it doesn't matter how nice the person behind the name is, get it wrong and you give the wrong impression of yourself at best or worst case is you will be ignored.
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18 October 2015
I'm still waiting for your reply :)

Names, no idea why some people use the names they do and I guess you have summed it up nicely. As both you and @meet_the_fockers say, it doesn't matter how nice the person behind the name is, get it wrong and you give the wrong impression of yourself at best or worst case is you will be ignored.
Very firmly ignored. You're not likely to intrigue me with that name and it's probably a lie anyway :D
19 March 2015
Ok now I'm NOT going to specifically mention any as this is a matter of taste, but do you look at user names and some times think 'oh god what were they thinking? Or do you see a name and before you even click on the profile have an opinion 'just based on the name'? (A none existent example would be Ivorbiggun or bigus_dickus..).
Please folks.. do NOT name n shame. .. name and praise is ok.
Yes 100% regardless.... sometimes we can cringe at some of the names - irrespective of whether they're truly nice people or not. Yes yes there's that "Don't judge a book by its cover" and all that, but when you see some of the names that get used, we regularly think - why? Why use such silly, offensive or ill-thought names in the first place?
We would instantly be put off, no matter how you cut it.
It's shows either they were lazy choosing a name, lack of creativity/imagination and maybe not even taking this seriously enough (even though you don't need to take yourself seriously anyway..) which is a shame.
That said, we often see people join and after some time of talking with people and finding the ethos, they then request to change their names.


3 February 2016
People with names like booblover69 or GunnaMakeUScream I can't help but thinking and your a dick,

Ohhhhhhh and funny story (all not really) when I joined, I filled out my profile, uploaded my three photos and only then I I proof read everything realised and thought 'Bugger, I missed the 'A' I wanted to be lover not a fighter'