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Deleted member 6485

Verifications are important as they give you a rough insight into the person/people that you are meeting. I always read peoples verifications and wouldn't even consider meeting them if any were negative.
And after meeting people who havn't got any veris, i know i won't be make this mistake again


18 July 2015
Verifications are important as they give you a rough insight into the person/people that you are meeting. I always read peoples verifications and wouldn't even consider meeting them if any were negative.
And after meeting people who havn't got any veris, i know i won't be make this mistake again
So you would trust in a negative verification?
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14 February 2017
Just catching up on this subject as it's an interesting one. I've been in various sites over the years and seen different ways it's been approached.

One site I'm currently on only lets you leave positive reviews (at least, it classes them positive by default).

Another site I was onuses a star rating where everyone starts at 3/5 stars. Positives drive you closer to 5 stars (green) negatives push you closer to 1 star (red). But to prevent abuse its weighted so takes 3 negatives to cancel out 1 positive, while showing the total number of reviews received. What I did like was the user could show whichever review, while hiding the name of the reviewer.

Personally, would I leave a negative verification? Probably only in the quest of cases (touch wood!). But if simply a clash of personalities which we didn't work out before the meet, then a simple email convo between us both, and no verification either side should suffice.

Touch wood I'm not there yet... Just need to get a few meets going :)
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Deleted member 6485

You just said you wouldn't meet if they had a negative veri so you are trusting the negative veri to be true :rofl:
:palm:...i need to put me specks on.
I honestly dont think people would go to the trouble of writing a negative veri without good reason.
If a member had one on here...i wouldnt meet up with them xc


18 July 2015
:palm:...i need to put me specks on.
I honestly dont think people would go to the trouble of writing a negative veri without good reason.
If a member had one on here...i wouldnt meet up with them xc
Only you :rofl::rofl:xx
14 February 2017
:palm:...i need to put me specks on.
I honestly dont think people would go to the trouble of writing a negative veri without good reason.
If a member had one on here...i wouldnt meet up with them xc

Well here's the thing Deb, people are human, and are fundamentally flawed. Some get petty or jealous, some seek to do harm to ones reputation. An example:

Some years ago I used to throw parties, one of the parties I threw clashed with another lady's party. Mine was once every 3 months on a Friday, hers were monthly on a Saturday. The clash the same weekend but different days, but she has been running hers for years.

Ine week to the date She phoned me and "ordered" me to cancel or move my party, which I had promoted for 2 months and had over 200 confirmations. I told her no can do. She proceeded to then life ban me from all her future parties branding me (I quote) "a danger to women and couples", despite having over 100 verifications at the time saying contrary.

Now, as she's a popular individual in that community, would you take her word for it a negative verification? :)

Deleted member 6485

Well here's the thing Deb, people are human, and are fundamentally flawed. Some get petty or jealous, some seek to do harm to ones reputation. An example:

Some years ago I used to throw parties, one of the parties I threw clashed with another lady's party. Mine was once every 3 months on a Friday, hers were monthly on a Saturday. The clash the same weekend but different days, but she has been running hers for years.

Ine week to the date She phoned me and "ordered" me to cancel or move my party, which I had promoted for 2 months and had over 200 confirmations. I told her no can do. She proceeded to then life ban me from all her future parties branding me (I quote) "a danger to women and couples", despite having over 100 verifications at the time saying contrary.

Now, as she's a popular individual in that community, would you take her word for it a negative verification? :)
(Note to self, stop commenting on threads):rofl:
1negative/100 But here is a much smaller scale, and its here my post was refering to xx
17 March 2017
Well I think that verification's should only be that the person is known, If we have any lets say not so nice people then they really shouldn't be here thats down to management to wiggle them out in my humble opinion.
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18 July 2015
Well I think that verification's should only be that the person is known, If we have any lets say not so nice people then they really shouldn't be here thats down to management to wiggle them out in my humble opinion.
Not nice people are part of every day life hun and in all walks, something we can't control unless they do break the rules. (y)
24 November 2015
Well I think that verification's should only be that the person is known, If we have any lets say not so nice people then they really shouldn't be here thats down to management to wiggle them out in my humble opinion.
So if someone deems YOU not so nice you would be happy to be booted off site

Deleted member 6485

This threads reminded me, i have some long overdue verifications to write (oopsies)xx

Deleted member 1402

Whats a negative for one person could be good for another ,id rather meet socially and gain my own opinions on others,not rely on a few words written by someone else

This (y)

I've never left a negative review. Instead I'll state that the person was punctual, looked like their pics.
My view of the person could be totally different to the next.
If it was a really bad meet, which thankfully I've had only one, I report them instead.


18 July 2015
This (y)

I've never left a negative review. Instead I'll state that the person was punctual, looked like their pics.
My view of the person could be totally different to the next.
If it was a really bad meet, which thankfully I've had only one, I report them instead.
If they didn't look like their pics, would you mention this in the verification?

Deleted member 1402

If they didn't look like their pics, would you mention this in the verification?

I have done, yes. I met a single guy, turned up at his and he was 30 years older and totally different. Before greeting me, he said "sorry I don't look like my pics, I stole someone elses."
He was my first single guy meet and I should have left there and then, but being new to meeting men, I felt guilty if I didn't go ahead with the meet. He's the one that I had to report due to some shocking events that evening. I should have gone to the police, but was worried they'd say I consented, which I did for one thing, but not the others that happened, even after screaming and crying.
I wasn't aware I could report him, so it took a few weeks to send a report through.
He's still on the site, he had 1 picture of himself now, but my negative review has been hidden.


18 July 2015
I have done, yes. I met a single guy, turned up at his and he was 30 years older and totally different. Before greeting me, he said "sorry I don't look like my pics, I stole someone elses."
He was my first single guy meet and I should have left there and then, but being new to meeting men, I felt guilty if I didn't go ahead with the meet. He's the one that I had to report due to some shocking events that evening. I should have gone to the police, but was worried they'd say I consented, which I did for one thing, but not the others that happened, even after screaming and crying.
I wasn't aware I could report him, so it took a few weeks to send a report through.
He's still on the site, he had 1 picture of himself now, but my negative review has been hidden.


18 July 2015
See another flip of the coin here from our perspective is PV, this touch wood has only happened once, couple join with amazing media, they do the PV and I have to question this, the photo's were obviously twenty years old and they looked nothing like the PV, we advised more up to date media which they did but what if they had met someone, it would have been very interesting ;)