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17 March 2017
So if someone deems YOU not so nice you would be happy to be booted off site
Not really what I meant ! But if you have a complaint re member it should be a management decision what happens. We all agree to TC so what is the problem, as you know im against cause some one takes a dislike to you you get blocked, I still maintain that they dont have to speak to you so why block enough of that but TC are there for a purpose use them what I say !
Reactions: Pearls
22 July 2017
Good thread... Because this is definitely a grey area and is open for interpretation.
We have seen verification very much like a reference. As an employer you shouldn't give a negative reference, it's about what you do not say, and what is missing.
However that said from a safety perspective we would comment on anything more than personality or taste, but if some demonstrates agression etc. For the sake of others it should be recorded.
Verification to us is important, and we hope to receive some more. It gives us as a couple a dimension that is not always present online x x
Reactions: Ahabs
14 February 2017
Omg. You okay?? Please tell me it hasn't put you off meeting. Personally if someone doesn't look like their pics, ie, they used another person's pics, that should be reported.
16 October 2015
Whats a negative for one person could be good for another ,id rather meet socially and gain my own opinions on others,not rely on a few words written by someone else

I was just about to say the same thing. Like reviews on clubs people’s opinions may differ. You have to find out for yourself. I still think it’s best to meet people in a club situation and if the mood isn’t right then you can easily ‘withdraw’ (oo-er) and relax


11 August 2015
My personal thoughts on this are that verifications can only give you and indication of others. As mentioned above, you can read veris but when you meet them they turn out to be different from what you expected, maybe be better, maybe worse.
I have never left a bad verification but that is because I haven't yet met anyone who fell into that category. Would I leave a bad veri, I would like to think so, regardless of what others felt about my comment. So long as it is a true reflection of events, good or bad, then I think veris should be given, however it is up to me to make a final decision based on those veris as to whether or not I would meet them.
Reactions: Deleted member 6485
14 February 2017
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls
4 July 2017
Do you think verifications are important?

Verifications work a bit like a vampire-trip advisor.

They tell you something about the person, they tell you the person is real, they tell you something about the person who gives them. And they're also a bit of fun and should be taken with a pinch of salt.

However, a lack of verifications, especially after a long period of time, is a matter for suspicion in my book. That is a rule of thumb for heterosexual people.

Gay men do it quite differently, it seems, and don't necessarily display verifications nor do they necessarily give them as a matter of course. Different mindset. But then gay men tend to be more promiscuous to start with. But again, someone on the scene with no verifications noted on profile (it wouldn't surprise me if none are displayed) is an object of suspicion - a time waster, fake or pic collector. As a general rule of thumb.

There is also an art to verifications. I have verified people with a single word or with a whole effusive paragraph. Depends on how I'm feeling and how I'm feeling towards the other person. I like to be Laconic, if possible. And in this respect verifications reflect as much on the giver as on the person(s) receiving.

Personally, I can't stand clichés. If I don't like your verification because it's a misrepresentation, dull or full of cliches I won't display.

"Oh, what can I say?" or "Don't miss out!" - yawn.
Reactions: Deleted member 6485
4 July 2017
I have never left a bad verification

I have.

I can think of two off the top of my head: one for some prick who got what he deserved (verifications read: "Sex: if you want it badly, that's how you'll get it.") and the other was so deeply disappointing I gave such a shitty verification that he never came back to the site.

You have been warned
Reactions: Deleted member 6485
14 February 2017
Fuck!!! I best go see what mine say, if any
4 July 2017
This is my favourite verification (of the several hundred I've racked up):

That was completely unexpected. I couldn't possibly try & quantify this man, nor would I want to. I can say he's unique. I can say he's charming & engaging. I can say he's obliging & polite. I can say he's hot, sensual & funny... but I won't. I'll leave you to discover his mysteries & his pleasures for yourselves. Meantime I will say thanks for a very enjoyable evening/morning in your company. Who'da thunk pork pies & hats were in this season?

It's amusing, clever, and it's not explicit.


18 July 2015
Love it
22 July 2017
@DiamondJoe your command of language, spoken word, wit and humour never ceases to put a smile on our face! We thank you x
Reactions: Ahabs
26 July 2016
We have quite a number of good verifications on other sites but none on here as the 2 couples we have met have both left the site now as 1 couple was 20 years older than claimed and the other couple we had serious doubts about (we had chatted to admin about them before meeting) and we got proven right to have doubts about them and they left before we even got home lol. Would we have left bad veris the first couple yes the second pair just lied so maybe not but did discuss with admin afterwards just in case they hung around.
26 July 2016
Can i ask what is to be disappointed about
19 March 2015
Trying to catch up as have been busy all day so;
Can I just say right, and I know this is going off topic slightly - we've been in a similar instance where we were pretty much blackmailed on here between two parties who were both organising events. The situation we were in was - "either they go or we go" - it didn't work out well truth be told..

Well that's not good - either way, whether someone likes your verification or not, it's not really their place to criticise what you say about someone else?

I thought it was only done once to say yes they are who they say??
It was, but then changed a long time back so more can be left due to repeat meets. One and only one, wouldn't be enough to be able to gauge someone based on that.
However that said from a safety perspective we would comment on anything more than personality or taste, but if some demonstrates agression etc. For the sake of others it should be recorded.
Absolutely it should be. This is crucial especially if someone is aggressive or displays untoward behaviour towards their guests.

Yes this was definitely the case. Am sure they ended up being banned too

Leaving verifications is important for so many reasons!
19 March 2015
That's disgusting yet he's still on the site!?
Definitely get in touch with the police should anything like that ever happen again. x

TC? Is that as in Terms and Conditions or?
9 September 2017
My thoughts on verifications are that they should be used as guidance.
You can mostly tell by the wording if a verification is “genuine” or not.

I suppose if you have any concerns it’s possible to drop one or two of the “verifying” people a private message just to confirm with them the accuracy of their verification.

Regarding the discussion of whether to leave negative verification then I feel that it’s important that a negative verification is left unless people feel it’s just a clash of personalities (sadly, we can’t all get on like best friends)

I can promise right here and now that I will certainty leave a negative verification if I find someone rude or arrogant or offensive. It’s then up to others to decide the relevance of my comments and if the people reading wishes to contact me I will happily shared my reasons for the negative remarks.

As for being verified.
I sincerely hope people leave me their honest opinion as I actually like to read them as it gives me an indication of how others perceive me and I can then address any failings on my part.

Having said that, a couple of attendees from my last meeting have, it seems, chosen not to verify me
The only reasonable conclusion I can draw is that they must think I’m a bit of a tosser

Reactions: Respect2017
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