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4 July 2017
What this thread doesn't appreciate is that the English language isn't under threat - it is one of the most elastic, expressive and welcoming languages on the planet, and a language that has successfully taken in words from different languages and cultures.

We are very lucky to be native speakers, even if it is of an English English dialect, as it gives us access to 54 nation states where English is the official language and 400 million speakers of English as a second language. Furthermore, there were around 600 - 700 million English as a foreign language speakers.

So, that's clearly over 1 billion people that could communicate in English to some extent.

It has advantages.


11 August 2015
What this thread doesn't appreciate is that the English language isn't under threat - it is one of the most elastic, expressive and welcoming languages on the planet, and a language that has successfully taken in words from different languages and cultures.

We are very lucky to be native speakers, even if it is of an English English dialect, as it gives us access to 54 nation states where English is the official language and 400 million speakers of English as a second language. Furthermore, there were around 600 - 700 million English as a foreign language speakers.

So, that's clearly over 1 billion people that could communicate in English to some extent.

It has advantages.

It is doing what it always has done, evolving whether we like it or not.
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11 August 2015
This isn't France, we don't have an 'English Academy' to preserve the purity of the language - because it's not necessary

Fortunately we don't:D. The French have come up with a few "new" words to get around Anglicisms but I guess trying to enforce the correct use of any language is essentially futile.
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18 October 2015
Yeah what gives :p with the Fall thing? It IS arse not ass. Ass is a donkey!
Chips, not fries... and chips are crisps....

Specialize. Familiarize. Summarize. Surprised that surprise isn't surprized. :palm:
Don't get me started on specialized .... I've had a day of death by PowerPoint which was to do with 'specialized ' housing :eek:
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18 July 2015
The Americanisation of the UK?
I (Mr) found out this morning through HRH @Pearls that the American fast food restaurant Denny's Diners, (who knew!?) is coming to Swansea at some point in the very near future.
Another American Diner for the city.

So what do you think about the Americanisation of our culture, language (English..) and even down to restaurants and food chains?
Is it good for us? Bad for us? Is our own way of life being lost?
Does it grate you when someone says Airplane, or movie.. instead of aeroplane/film etc or types for example traveling not travelling - fantasize not fantasise, or are you okay with all of it?

As always a healthy debate is encouraged without flaming. x
Apparently they do amazing pancakes with maple syrup :whistle::whistle:
17 August 2021
As an American, I'm glad I just found this thread.
It's fun.
We have the same problem in the US. The software my company uses is from a Canadian company and the spellcheck keeps trying to add a U to the word color.
I think it has more to do with the world getting smaller.
If you are ooening an American restaurant in the UK, you can probably do everything, permits and file plans, all from your cell phone in the US.
You can even get forigen languages translated on your phone.
You used to have to hire a British company to represent you and handle the day to day problems of opening a restaurant.
Now you can do everything from your phone.
As for British people using American spelling and phrases, i have no idea why that is happening