what's your job?

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28 May 2015
I worked non-stop from 1998-2006 (VERY difficult). At that point I walked off my shitty job and ended up getting with my g/f (long story for another post). I had odd jobs after that but my anxiety and bi-polar was out of control even on meds.

I finally got back on disability (SSDI) and now get $922 a month. It's a fucking life saver. Before, I'd call in sick until I got fired, and would have panic attacks before and during work so severe that I'd have to go home and one time landed in a mental hospital.

Anyway, what's your job?


15 September 2014
I.T boffin and full time slave to Mrs A. :D

Mental health is a silent killer and people underestimate it's prowess and the fact it is indiscriminate mate.
Hell of a thing. :(
28 May 2015
Cool man!

Yes indeed. I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager (40 now). Been on various brain pills at least 20 years. The combo I take now seems to really help, but still can't work. My last job was a laid back 4 hours a day, couple days a week and still couldn't make it.

Glad to be on disability now as it provides a life for my g/f and I that is otherwise not possible.
10 March 2015
i'm an International Man of Mystery, part-time, and I also kill Zombies. Now, some doubt the second one, stating they have never seen a Zombie.... listen, its not my fault I'm good at my job!!

Jayne is a sex therapist, housewife, mother, and champion spender of money.:arse:


15 September 2014
Cool man!

Yes indeed. I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager (40 now). Been on various brain pills at least 20 years. The combo I take now seems to really help, but still can't work. My last job was a laid back 4 hours a day, couple days a week and still couldn't make it.

Glad to be on disability now as it provides a life for my g/f and I that is otherwise not possible.

It's a hell of a thing and not taken seriously enough by far. I've done a lot of campaigns and work for mental health awareness.. here in the UK. Nothing that gained huge public interest, but enough.
I've also helped with PTSD and things..
Glad you're getting the help you need financially. (y)

i'm an International Man of Mystery, part-time, and I also kill Zombies. Now, some doubt the second one, stating they have never seen a Zombie.... listen, its not my fault I'm good at my job!!

Jayne is a sex therapist, housewife, mother, and champion spender of money.:arse:

The last sentence I can totally relate to RE spending of the money...
Phew. Anyone who's met Mrs A knows, she can spend and spend well! ;)
28 May 2015
It's a hell of a thing and not taken seriously enough by far. I've done a lot of campaigns and work for mental health awareness.. here in the UK. Nothing that gained huge public interest, but enough.
I've also helped with PTSD and things..
Glad you're getting the help you need financially. (y)
I appreciate it man! That's awesome that you did that. It needs more awareness. I am not lazy, and I'm not getting a "government handout" cause I don't feel like working. I fucking hate when people assume that shit...
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22 March 2015
I have a very busy job of dealing with plonkas all day xxx
28 May 2015
From the "Urban Dictionary": plonka. a voodoo temptress from the Civil War era who breeds on gentlemen who have drank to the point of being blackout



15 September 2014
ha thank you, don't know about that! :D
Web development and some code development.

I write several languages and yeah that's it. So am very busy!
Along with that I fix and repair PC's, laptops and also do virus removal data recovery.. and so on. :)
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28 May 2015
ha thank you, don't know about that! :D
Web development and some code development.

I write several languages and yeah that's it. So am very busy!
Along with that I fix and repair PC's, laptops and also do virus removal data recovery.. and so on. :)
Fucking badass! I dabbled a bit with PC repair as well. Even worked as a tech in a big computer place. Sadly, my co-workers were two faced dicks and I was quickly "let go". lol

As for coding I used to code in C++. Good stuff! Now I'll dabble with php and all and mainly just do custom template edits. :)

mr&mrs sparks

I worked non-stop from 1998-2006 (VERY difficult). At that point I walked off my shitty job and ended up getting with my g/f (long story for another post). I had odd jobs after that but my anxiety and bi-polar was out of control even on meds.

I finally got back on disability (SSDI) and now get $922 a month. It's a fucking life saver. Before, I'd call in sick until I got fired, and would have panic attacks before and during work so severe that I'd have to go home and one time landed in a mental hospital.

Anyway, what's your job?
My brother suffers from it so I can see ur side mate and my mrs is nursery nurse at the minute a stay at home mom as for me I am electrician I am sub contractor for sainburys
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15 September 2014
Fucking badass! I dabbled a bit with PC repair as well. Even worked as a tech in a big computer place. Sadly, my co-workers were two faced dicks and I was quickly "let go". lol

As for coding I used to code in C++. Good stuff! Now I'll dabble with php and all and mainly just do custom template edits. :)

Excellent to hear mate. It's good work but can get overwhelming very quickly as I am sure you know.
C++ is a good language C# now being the boy along with php, jQuery and Ajax etc, again I am sure you know this too :)

@mr&mrs sparks being a stay at home mum is perfectly normal and hard work!
As for your brother, yeah it's a hell of a thing.. Hope he's alright.
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mr&mrs sparks

Excellent to hear mate. It's good work but can get overwhelming very quickly as I am sure you know.
C++ is a good language C# now being the boy along with php, jQuery and Ajax etc, again I am sure you know this too :)

@mr&mrs sparks being a stay at home mum is perfectly normal and hard work!
As for your brother, yeah it's a hell of a thing.. Hope he's alright.
Oh yeah he's fine
28 May 2015
My brother suffers from it so I can see ur side mate and my mrs is nursery nurse at the minute a stay at home mom as for me I am electrician I am sub contractor for sainburys
Coolness. :) But yeah mental health is a big deal. It's more severe than people think. Some would say I'm just lazy and am getting a "government handout". This can't be further from the truth....