Which Do You Prefer

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9 January 2016
So, im not sure this directly answers the question but...

I think the most important thing is for the lady to be herself. I dont want anyone to put an act on for my benefit.
In addition to that, i think the lady should have and display some self respect. You go to clubs and pubs these days, and the way teenagers behave (and yes i know i was young once so pot & kettle) but its embarrasing - HAVE A LOOK AT YOURSELF!
If im with you, its because i want to be with you, whether youre quiet and well spoken, or loud and having a laugh.

Whether we are out together, or in the bedroom together, the point is to have fun in life - be yourself, be happy. And if ive got a problem with you, then im the problem, not you.
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10 December 2015
Barnard Castle
I have to go with the * hours of fun :) no point in being with someone who cant relax and have some fun