Oh I bet your puppies get right mucky too!We have an outdoor sink.. Got a shower attachment and hot water.. I love spraying steaming water all over......
My muddy puppies
Oh I bet your puppies get right mucky too!We have an outdoor sink.. Got a shower attachment and hot water.. I love spraying steaming water all over......
My muddy puppies
I didn't say a word! It's not the mouth it comes out of you know...Behave.. X
He's been at it all day, I cant leave for a second, he has scared all the ladies to death, poor buggers xxBehave.. X
Jokes aside, know what you mean. Get the shower attachment, spray everywhere then have the task of cleaning up. Messy job aye. xWe have an outdoor sink.. Got a shower attachment and hot water.. I love spraying steaming water all over......
My muddy puppies
I know exactly what you are thinking....Shower heads xxJokes aside, know what you mean. Get the shower attachment, spray everywhere then have the task of cleaning up. Messy job aye. x
My god that takes me back a bit. Always enjoyed this tune and some others he had. One I found really sad but can't remember what it was called..
Yeah I'm not surprised!! So let's get the fruitiness back on track.We have gone from squinting to David Essex! Wtf
I am all dry now
Me too - three dirty motorbikes and a very mucky 4x4.You have a dirty motor bike Mr Essex
You like this @Bansheewarrior read furtherSquirtings ok..
Its the clean up afterwards meh