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Yo Listen Up! Single Gents..!

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Yeah i kinda agree....if its someone you have built a friendship with then its different. I think the thing is here we always ask the profile owners if they feel comfortable with comments made and take it from there xxx
Reactions: Deleted member 3657


Exactly the point. Thank you xxxx


15 September 2014
Thank you very much both.. I appreciate that immensely. We all do. x
Reactions: XX


18 July 2015
Ok guys @meet_the_fockers and I have spoken about this, everything has been summed up perfectly, always re read before you click send. What is annoying and @Looby&Lew I think got it spot on is some men forget there is a male in the couple, how does he feel reading "my cock is ready to cum all over that" it's just mindless and trust me comments like these are from gents of a certain age and not youngsters, all the staff work hard here to make sure everything is moderated, thanks guys and to Mrs F for a well said informative thread xx

Deleted member 3657

Yeah i kinda agree....if its someone you have built a friendship with then its different. I think the thing is here we always ask the profile owners if they feel comfortable with comments made and take it from there xxx
Nah, don't like it.......... Hang on, what am I saying???
Reactions: Pearls


Thankyou @Pearls you see thing the thing is, a lot got the hump, over this thread.. well so be it.
As has been stated.. its not aimed at every single gent.. its certainly not professional to name certain individuals.. who are guilty time and time again. I could, of course.
We remove many many coments daily.. which luckily most members dont get to see. I was basically giving a heads up.. to certain individuals.. perhaps for their benefit.. we are issuing warnings which in turn restricts their gallery veiwing.
The second purpose.. i was hoping to ease a little workload for all staff..
I'm sure most would rather be out here, bantering, with members rather than beavering behind the scenes, cleaning up the mess. I know I would.
Cheers x
Reactions: Deleted member 3657


18 July 2015
Perfect, and yes there are only a few people who step over the mark but hopefully this has shown them the light and make our jobs easier xx


Can't you just sling those that are doing it repeatedly?


So what is the protocol? Maybe if we understand it then we can be more supportive on helping you to deal with said individuals....?
There is a points and warning system in place.. it has to be followed. So many points so many warnings etc.. All staff know the process, and have to adhere to it.
Believe me i would have no qualms in throwing people out by the seat of their pants.
You of course never having being been warned.. would not be privy to the, process/information... those whom have, are politley informed of the process.


And its up to staff, to deal with unruly behaviour thankyou for your offer.. but we prefer members to relax and just enjoy the site.. and totty xxx


Thanks guys ai we do try...
I can be very trying or so im told!!
How rude!! x
Reactions: Pearls
11 September 2016
God loves a trier... *whispers* However, I love a do-er...

On a serious note though, I tend to treat swinging to be just an extension of my social life. It's fun, you can talk to interesting and funny people and have a really great time flirting. Sex is not, and never is, a given. So people (guys mostly) just need to relax and be themselves. Converse, engage, connect. What will be, will be...
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