Yo Listen Up! Single Gents..!

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I do think everyone is jumping up n down.. lol how a single guy do,s n don'ts thread evokes such a reaction ;) love it.. all took heed though didnt ya!!
Goodnight ill let you sleep on it n dream of strangling me in the night mwahhh sleep well... x
Certainly made us think..back to the age old question, what role does a "single male" have on a swinging site!


Sling the mofos out. Don't be nice or diplomatic be decisive and proceed with full conviction. Any grown adult knows it's wrong to comment that way about anyone so take no prisoners.
So the WTF has gone out of the window? Carried by the worm as he turned? ;) see not as cut n dried as you first believed nor was it aimed at all single guys as you first believed! ;)

Deleted member 1030

Certainly made us think..back to the age old question, what role does a "single male" have on a swinging site!
NO, This thread is not about that. Single guys play a large part of the 'scene'. This thread is about some guys posting vile - and often childish - comments on media.


@MickeyBlueBalls calm down... on a thread about foul and abusive comments, you're using some pretty strong language.
Really, thought this was about sleazy comments left on media and profiles and not about use of bad language. And to whom was I abusive to? I've seen far worse language used on everyday forum chat. I'm not even hyped. I'm sat here , feet up, watching bad grandpa with a beer in my hand so cool your skin. :)


15 September 2014
Okay folks I am not sure what has happened, but enough is enough. What has been a thread to point out to others their flaws, and weaknesses, has turned into chaos.
@meet_the_fockers proved a point and it hit nerves.
Much love to all.


What are you on about? At what point did I say this thread was aimed at all single guys? I remarked "WTF?" and it was used as in what the flipping heck has gone down to provoke such a strongly worded warning. And so to clarify, I didn't "first believe" it was aimed at all singles. It was used more out of concern that something really bad had gone down and not outrage or protest. If that were the case then I would be foolishly placing myself along with the silly sally's that make those grotesque and unwanted gestures.


What are you on about? At what point did I say this thread was aimed at all single guys? I remarked "WTF?" and it was used as in what the flipping heck has gone down to provoke such a strongly worded warning. And so to clarify, I didn't "first believe" it was aimed at all singles. It was used more out of concern that something really bad had gone down and not outrage or protest. If that were the case then I would be foolishly placing myself along with the silly sally's that make those grotesque and unwanted gestures.
In hindsight it would have been helpful if I'd followed up the WTF with "WTF has happened?"
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There's no hard feelings here @Admin as I knew what the intentions of the thread were. But it seems my reaction was taken out of context as I weren't clear on how it was intended.

Deleted member 2610

Ok as an SG I've been allowed to join this swinging site, to interact with the great people here and as I always say make great new friends.
We SG's must at all times respect what we've allowed to join. @meet_the_fockers is very correct in what she says and has beaten me to posting this thread as I've been appalled at the comments that have been made to couples and single ladies. No, not all of us are like that but unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush because of idiots who let there c**** rule their brains.
It's not difficult at all to show respect when chatting. You would never in a million years talk to a couple in a pub like that or if you did your teeth would be over the floor.
Start to engage your brains before writing anything on a photo, post or thread. Be creative, flirty, funny, friendly as all the lovely ladies have said win the mind and then see what happens.
Read a profile before following, I always ask if it's ok to follow and if they say no SG then I state I've read that and understand but I'm here for the social interaction as well. If they say yes great, if they choose to ignore my message move on and respect their wishes.
Pictures OMG what do we SG think we have that is better than the next guy. You've heard before and maybe not realised it but believe me to at least 95% of the ladies here they have no interest in your cock picture, no mater how impressive you think you are. If you don't believe me just have a look at the ones you may have posted and see how many likes or looks you get, that at least should have you hiding it away. Use your imagination when posting, funny shots, teasing shots, these work 100% better, again check the likes etc. If you have c**** shots then stick them in a restricted album and let people see them if they want to, I have such an album and only after a long time have a few members access to it and then only after lots of chat etc as I have no intention of insulting the friends I've made here.
So after that long ramble, rant or what ever you want to call it SG's wise up and start to think and not with your c****. Also we SG's have an obligation that if we see anything posted or comments made to tell each other to wind our necks in.
I'll will have no issue in deleting comments I find inappropriate and will certainly be telling you why.
I want to be part of of this site and have no intention of letting any new or old SG mess it up :)


Ok as an SG I've been allowed to join this swinging site, to interact with the great people here and as I always say make great new friends.
We SG's must at all times respect what we've allowed to join. @meet_the_fockers is very correct in what she says and has beaten me to posting this thread as I've been appalled at the comments that have been made to couples and single ladies. No, not all of us are like that but unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush because of idiots who let there c**** rule their brains.
It's not difficult at all to show respect when chatting. You would never in a million years talk to a couple in a pub like that or if you did your teeth would be over the floor.
Start to engage your brains before writing anything on a photo, post or thread. Be creative, flirty, funny, friendly as all the lovely ladies have said win the mind and then see what happens.
Read a profile before following, I always ask if it's ok to follow and if they say no SG then I state I've read that and understand but I'm here for the social interaction as well. If they say yes great, if they choose to ignore my message move on and respect their wishes.
Pictures OMG what do we SG think we have that is better than the next guy. You've heard before and maybe not realised it but believe me to at least 95% of the ladies here they have no interest in your cock picture, no mater how impressive you think you are. If you don't believe me just have a look at the ones you may have posted and see how many likes or looks you get, that at least should have you hiding it away. Use your imagination when posting, funny shots, teasing shots, these work 100% better, again check the likes etc. If you have c**** shots then stick them in a restricted album and let people see them if they want to, I have such an album and only after a long time have a few members access to it and then only after lots of chat etc as I have no intention of insulting the friends I've made here.
So after that long ramble, rant or what ever you want to call it SG's wise up and start to think and not with your c****. Also we SG's have an obligation that if we see anything posted or comments made to tell each other to wind our necks in.
I'll will have no issue in deleting comments I find inappropriate and will certainly be telling you why.
I want to be part of of this site and have no intention of letting any new or old SG mess it up :)
Well put feller! I'd still sling the mofos out though! :sneaky:

Deleted member 3657

Ok as an SG I've been allowed to join this swinging site, to interact with the great people here and as I always say make great new friends.
We SG's must at all times respect what we've allowed to join. @meet_the_fockers is very correct in what she says and has beaten me to posting this thread as I've been appalled at the comments that have been made to couples and single ladies. No, not all of us are like that but unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush because of idiots who let there c**** rule their brains.
It's not difficult at all to show respect when chatting. You would never in a million years talk to a couple in a pub like that or if you did your teeth would be over the floor.
Start to engage your brains before writing anything on a photo, post or thread. Be creative, flirty, funny, friendly as all the lovely ladies have said win the mind and then see what happens.
Read a profile before following, I always ask if it's ok to follow and if they say no SG then I state I've read that and understand but I'm here for the social interaction as well. If they say yes great, if they choose to ignore my message move on and respect their wishes.
Pictures OMG what do we SG think we have that is better than the next guy. You've heard before and maybe not realised it but believe me to at least 95% of the ladies here they have no interest in your cock picture, no mater how impressive you think you are. If you don't believe me just have a look at the ones you may have posted and see how many likes or looks you get, that at least should have you hiding it away. Use your imagination when posting, funny shots, teasing shots, these work 100% better, again check the likes etc. If you have c**** shots then stick them in a restricted album and let people see them if they want to, I have such an album and only after a long time have a few members access to it and then only after lots of chat etc as I have no intention of insulting the friends I've made here.
So after that long ramble, rant or what ever you want to call it SG's wise up and start to think and not with your c****. Also we SG's have an obligation that if we see anything posted or comments made to tell each other to wind our necks in.
I'll will have no issue in deleting comments I find inappropriate and will certainly be telling you why.
I want to be part of of this site and have no intention of letting any new or old SG mess it up :)
I was going to say that. Word for word lol. Seriously, well said Tatts, couldn't agree more.
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Deleted member 3657

Let's keep an eye on this :)
Agree. Got no issues reporting anything offensive. This site is in a league of its own. When I joined I was dubious, wondering if it was like all the others. How wrong was I??? The way us SG have been made so welcome in to what is predominantly a couples world, is incredible. Let's keep it this way.
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Agree. Got no issues reporting anything offensive. This site is in a league of its own. When I joined I was dubious, wondering if it was like all the others. How wrong was I??? The way us SG have been made so welcome in to what is predominantly a couples world, is incredible. Let's keep it this way.
Again - amen to that gents! :)
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29 September 2015
I agree. There's a time and place for certain comments. Respect goes a long way and it shows in particular comments and posts. We're all here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Don't want to be ruining it now.

Appreciate we are all very sexual but there's a limit, as with everything. We need to maintain our friendships, sexual friendships at the very most x
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15 September 2014
Love ya lots... ive always been an advocate of you but lately..
What are you doing? STOP with the sleazy coments on media.. it doesnt look nice and most certainly makes the recipient think bluergh... and will get you nowhere!!
Believe me ive been around quite sometime i know... its a swinging site not insta fuck.. we can actually afford to be more choosey, than your average drunken bint about town on a saturday night.
If their profile obviously states no single guys.. dont think yeah.. i know what i'll do i'll ignore it and have bash anyways... aint gunna happen move on... find someone thats looking for guys!
Christ not hard is it.. rocket science?? Think with your brain not your dick!!
Seduce the mind if your lucky the rest may follow!! Capiche!! Make em smile.. laugh.. engage!!!
Sorry we have a lot of delicious lovely single guys here... competition is tough, so if you wanna get ahead.... ;) x
Couple.. ai address them as such!@@!!
This is a problematic issue guys.
Not the ones who are respectable and friendly in comments, but the ones who post such wonderful comments as - and I quote;
" So if I came all over your face would you lick it off and swollo it all or pass it back to me with your tounge xx "

This type of thing is unacceptable.
But it's not just comments like that.. comments like "I want to come over your legs" - another recently; "Go on smash her back door in"
It's just not cricket and you're doing yourselves NO favours..
You wouldn't say it to someone in a pub etc, so just don't do it here. Yes a swinging site, yes you're all here for fun etc..
but be polite, be respectful, don't post sleazy comments on photos.

We do remove them, and we're stepping up the game.

Any more we have to remove, you will receive warnings - a certain amount of warning points and you lose gallery access for 48 hours.
So take heed.
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Think trouble with single guys sometimes is they don't have that steady influence of a lady to make sure they don't make themselves look a tit - that's all me confessions done for this sunday


15 September 2014
Think trouble with single guys sometimes is they don't have that steady influence of a lady to make sure they don't make themselves look a tit - that's all me confessions done for this sunday
Again, it's the crass comments and unnecessary comments that are the ones to look out for.
To reiterate what @meet_the_fockers said;
What are you doing? STOP with the sleazy coments on media.. it doesnt look nice and most certainly makes the recipient think bluergh... and will get you nowhere!!
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26 July 2016
To be fair to the majority of single men on this site it's happened to us only once so far compared to the dozens of comments and messages we get every day on other sites . We have only had to block one so far on here due to unwanted attention (even after he read our profile) .
I know we aren't exactly posting X-rated pics (we must seem like timid little kittens to some on here :D ) but so far the comments haven't been offensive ..... They've all been on the wife's pic ... Non on mine ...... Not jealous or anything ... Just sayin ....., but totally agree with the original post , yes it's a swinging site but that doesn't mean drag it down to the gutter

Deleted member 3657

To be fair to the majority of single men on this site it's happened to us only once so far compared to the dozens of comments and messages we get every day on other sites . We have only had to block one so far on here due to unwanted attention (even after he read our profile) .
I know we aren't exactly posting X-rated pics (we must seem like timid little kittens to some on here :D ) but so far the comments haven't been offensive ..... They've all been on the wife's pic ... Non on mine ...... Not jealous or anything ... Just sayin ....., but totally agree with the original post , yes it's a swinging site but that doesn't mean drag it down to the gutter
I'm glad it wasn't me asking about your Disney masks lol
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