Revenge Cheating

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18 July 2015
I have just read an article on this.
If your partner cheated on you would you do the same back?
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26 July 2016
Naaaaaa once a cheat always a cheat. Would not wanna live my life wondering what she was up to. Better off binning them and start over.


No two wrongs don't make a right.
I would think of some other torturous revenge.. :D
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Deleted member 3411

Cheat... as in have sex with another without your partner knowing?..... why the f*** would we want to hide it? THAT is one of the best freedoms swinging gives us, the freedom and deep understanding.


Cheat... as in have sex with another without your partner knowing?..... why the f*** would we want to hide it? THAT is one of the best freedoms swinging gives us, the freedom and deep understanding.
Not cheating though are you.. if its with your partners knowledge. If that were the case.. this site is a site full of cheaters.. :D
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Cheat... as in have sex with another without your partner knowing?..... why the f*** would we want to hide it? THAT is one of the best freedoms swinging gives us, the freedom and deep understanding.
Cheat! :rofl:
26 July 2016
I know a lady that got revenge on her man for cheating by pouring boiling water over his feet whilst he slept. like she said if he cant stand up what's he going to do about it and he wont dare shut his eyes on the off chance I do something else to him.

Don't know what happened in the end as I went working darnnnnnn sarf for a few weeks and they had gone when I came back. The jungle drums said she cleared the house out whilst he was still laid up and buggered off with the lot then rang an ambulance for him

Deleted member 3411

Not cheating though are you.. of its with your partners knowledge. If that were the case.. this site is a site full of cheaters.. :D
Oh! Yes true and even a swinger can cheat. I just feel if a swinger does or wants to they need to stop and ask why? If it's because their partner wouldn't want them to go with her/him ... well 1st rule of this life is no means no. I look at it as a price to pay; if you want the freedom to play you must give trust back in return.
As for Pearl's actual question, no. To do the same is to justify. It is never revenge as He/She has already stated in their actions that sex behind the back is ok, so to do the same is not revenge.


I know a lady that got revenge on her man for cheating by pouring boiling water over his feet whilst he slept. like she said if he cant stand up what's he going to do about it and he wont dare shut his eyes on the off chance I do something else to him.

Don't know what happened in the end as I went working darnnnnnn sarf for a few weeks and they had gone when I came back. The jungle drums said she cleared the house out whilst he was still laid up and buggered off with the lot then rang an ambulance for him
Oh Good God!! :eek:

Deleted member 5018

When this kind of thing happens (cheating), in my point of view it means there's no respect anymore. If you love someone you respect. If there's no love there's no meaning to be together. If it happens, just leave without even say goodbye.


3 February 2016
I have just read an article on this.
If your partner cheated on you would you do the same back?
Nope, and it strikes me that if you even considered it the realationship would be totally beyond repair.

I have a bit of a theory that cheating is (sometimes) a symptom of lack of communication, bare with me for a moment. So my theory goes like this that cheaters, cheat because they are looking for something that they desire (or need) that they not getting within the realationship. The is nothing really wrong in the desire and as such should be discussed and addressed via the magic that is good inter-relationship communication.
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Nope, and it strikes me that if you even considered it the realationship would be totally beyond repair.

I have a bit of a theory that cheating is (sometimes) a symptom of lack of communication, bare with me for a moment. So my theory goes like this that cheaters, cheat because they are looking for something that they desire (or need) that they not getting within the realationship. The is nothing really wrong in the desire and as such should be discussed and addressed via the magic that is good inter-relationship communication.
Sometimes the relationship is just shit
25 July 2016
Never been cheated on or cheated but I don't think I would get revenge I would just walk away without even turning back as all the trust has gone and there can be nothing worse than not trusting someone
19 March 2015
I have just read an article on this.
If your partner cheated on you would you do the same back?
Not ideal really is it.... meh.
Cheat... as in have sex with another without your partner knowing?..... why the f*** would we want to hide it? THAT is one of the best freedoms swinging gives us, the freedom and deep understanding.
Agreed! Wtf!? Why lie when you can have it all? Pffffft. Some people aye. Seem to enjoy and get the kick out of the lying and deceit I guess? (n)(n)

What about revenge bitching? What if you knew someone was bitching and you wanted to act?
Plenty of that about.
*drops mic*

:D ;) x
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Not ideal really is it.... meh.

Agreed! Wtf!? Why lie when you can have it all? Pffffft. Some people aye. Seem to enjoy and get the kick out of the lying and deceit I guess? (n)(n)

What about revenge bitching? What if you knew someone was bitching and you wanted to act?
Plenty of that about.
*drops mic*

:D ;) x

Revenge bitching!!

Recently a victim of this where accusations where posted on another forum

Completely different kettle of fish

I would never go on a public forum and cast up things

However I will go direct to source and confront

If others then asked me "my version" of events depending on my relationship with them I may discuss



I had an affair. Was married with two kids. Affair was with married man who had two kids too. But we fell in love. Big time.
Still together 30 years later. My first hubby remarried as did Georges first wife. Georges wife didn't take revenge but she did take all the money which george willingly gave her. And my first hubby second wife didn't want to know about our kids so george adopted them. I would never ever recommend having an affair behind anyones back. I know what i did was wrong. And i paid a huge price emotionally for that as I am not naturally a deceitful person. So there is always a price.

But having said all that..... when i see my first husband .. which i do from time to time.. he divorced his second wife... I think thank good I found george in this massive world with so many people. XXXXX


Revenge is a natural thought process.. We will want to do it but our brain usually kicks in and talks us down..
Get in the car and run the feckers down..
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Deleted member 8626

I have had this happen to me being cheated on, at the time I stayed with the person but it didn't end well, I didn't seek revenge and to this day I still wouldn't. No way, just makes you as wrong as them. If it happened to me again I wouldn't be so forgiving and would just walk away with my head held high and know that they just didn't deserve me. I have way to much respect for myself. ;)