Friday Night Chats - Guess The Member

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16 October 2017
Hi Sexy Peeps..
okay as has been discussed, people want to get more chat room activity going... So @Pearls and I were talking about some things yesterday and we decided what about a Friday night guess who, in the chatroooms?

This is quite simple how it's done. We get a list of participants who want to join in, and we add a photo submitted to us by them, cropped, and you have to guess who..

All we need is a few volunteers to submit their photos or allow us to choose a handful, we will post them in the chat and people have to guess who it is.
Whoever gets it right first - has to post on the members profile showing their success at spotting them. :D

Drinks are a must of course. It is Friday night after all! :sneaky:

Anyone want to give it a go? :whistle:
We will pick photos at random from your albums guys.
I'm in


Okay so it's in the CockwellInn at 20:00.. literally guess the members based on photos which are then highly edited. (y)
If I can get back from the beach (yes I said it, yes I'm showing off!!) in time then I'd love to join in! :D xx
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Reactions: Therapon


15 September 2014
Thank you so far to those who have allowed use of their media.... I will say, I'll make it easy, not so easy to hard. :sneaky:
Some are already not even resembling some of you! o_O
Thanks peeps and also @Miss-Sexy-Legs and @Therapon are also helping out so if you get nagged for pics, I'd do as they ask or feel the whip of MSL :spank: x
24 November 2015
Thank you so far to those who have allowed use of their media.... I will say, I'll make it easy, not so easy to hard. :sneaky:
Some are already not even resembling some of you! o_O
Thanks peeps and also @Miss-Sexy-Legs and @Therapon are also helping out so if you get nagged for pics, I'd do as they ask or feel the whip of MSL :spank: x
Oh damn was I meant to ask :eek: im demanding :lol::lol:


11 August 2015
Alright you lot if you plan to join in tonight then you need to get perving the gallery. After all you need to know whose bits are whose so close attention will be required:)


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Alright you lot if you plan to join in tonight then you need to get perving the gallery. After all you need to know whose bits are whose so close attention will be required:)

But I'm always perving the gallery that's nothing new :rofl::rofl::D
