Friday Night Chats - Guess The Member

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15 September 2014
Your very welcome and all images are being sorted into order of showing today ready for tonight. Thanks to all that have submitted pics and let us have them for tonights game :D:tiphat:


Thank you all for your support and joining in tonight it was a lot of fun, I hope we wasn't too slow with the pics. And thank you @Admin for trusting us to do it. Get well soon admin we are thinking about you :love:

Thank you so much both for doing that GTM that evening. I hope it all went swimmingly and everyone had fun. Also thank you so much for the kind words. Getting there slowly. :) x
Thanks again both though, much appreciated.
Also thank you all who supported the evening and turned up.
If you missed it, don't worry - a few weeks' time there will be another one. (y) x