Prompted by finding an old hard drive under the bed before xmas and looking through some old photo's that we thought we had lost Debs has decided that we are going on a diet
Ok, I admit I may have put on a few pounds *cough* but as far as I am concerned she is still the gorgeous, totally shaggable woman I met over 15 years ago
Anyway, I reckon the best incentive is to go public and to that end I'm going to create a new, public album and post a couple of the old pics along with a couple we will take this weekend. Then we will periodically add to the album as we go along.
Feel free to take the piss but remember that the old pics were taken by a semi-pro 'tog friend of ours and the current ones will be with no decent lighting etc.
(already mourning the loss of bread and spuds)
Ok, I admit I may have put on a few pounds *cough* but as far as I am concerned she is still the gorgeous, totally shaggable woman I met over 15 years ago
Anyway, I reckon the best incentive is to go public and to that end I'm going to create a new, public album and post a couple of the old pics along with a couple we will take this weekend. Then we will periodically add to the album as we go along.
Feel free to take the piss but remember that the old pics were taken by a semi-pro 'tog friend of ours and the current ones will be with no decent lighting etc.
(already mourning the loss of bread and spuds)