Deleted member 3175
I’m classed as obese
I like a good wine
I smoke
Love a bacon butty
We only live once though eh.
I've not replied to this thread as its very close to my heart.
I'm classed as morbidly obese, I like wine, love bacon & sausage butties, trying to stop smoking.
I've always been an active person and my weight has slowly crept up during the years, and it wasn't until my birthday this year that I actually took a good look at myself and decided that before I turn 40 I want to loose a bit of the chub and see if I can actually stick to it. I've always hated the fact that I have to use "Plus size" shops for clothes.
It is something that you have to sort out yourself, I believe that unless you have a genuine condition, then at the end of the day it boils down to you and the choices you make.
I made that choice and over the past 12 weeks along with my gorgeous hubbie, and we have lost nearly 2 stone (my last weigh in is tonight fingers crossed!).
Everyone can make a choice, you have to make the choice that is right for you. S xxx