After giving it some thought, I've decided I'm against legalising cannabis for recreational use, but I'm all for legalising it for medicinal use.
Walking around the town centre on a Saturday night or after a big football game is already bad enough with dipsticks fighting in lumps cos they're pissed up, without making access to drugs easier too.
Prohibition doesn't work. Never has done, never will. It affects the use of recreational drugs not one jot, except to make them more dangerous.
But it does work doesn't it, in a fashion. Let's say I'm having a bad day and feel like getting stoned off my nips. It's not like I can I can pop down to Tesco's and buy it is it?
In fact I'm sure I could buy it but it would take me a considerable amount of effort to find a supplier.
Also I'd like to keep cannabis as difficult as possible for my kids to get hold of.
The 'war on drugs' costs billions of pounds,
Yes it does. So does the 'war on guns', 'war on terror', 'war on violence', etc....... Doesn't mean we should legalise it all.
fills up prisons while peados, rapists and murderers walk free
I think it's a slight exaggeration to claim all paedo, rapists and murderers walk free but yes prisons do fill up.
Here's an idea....... With an ever expanding population perhaps we should build more prisons
It affects the use of recreational drugs not one jot, except to make them more dangerous.
Well that is each individuals decision to make. Knowing the risks, do you smoke it or not?
In my opinion legalising one soft drug opens the door for legalising harder drugs. Just think how much healthier the population would be if tabacco had never been legal?