Well, seeing as you have asked...
In my opinion, PV proves very little in "real" terms.
It can be faked, although Admin here seem to be more adept at spotting fakes from posts they have written on the subject. But, even if those that are PV'ed are who they say they are, what exactly does it prove?
Take us, for example, lets say we got PV'd, would that make us "real" swingers?
It could be that I'm the male of the couple using pics of us without her knowledge.
It could be that we have split up.
It could be that we are fantasists who like the idea of swinging, but never meet.
It could be that we may even turn up at social, club and party events but never play (social butterflys, those that like to "sit in" on the scene but never indulge). AKA "talk the talk, but don't walk the walk".
IMHO the only concrete 100% test of "real" swingers, is those that have "play" verifications. We had some on here, but it seems that everyone who left one has left the site, so there go our veries.
No-one should think that, because the site made it compulsory to PV and you did so, that that diminishes you in any way, Admin threw it open very democratically to a vote, and the vast majority wanted PV to be bought in. It then became a requirement that, to stay active on the site, you had to PV. We didn't.
I voted against it. Why? It's not a trust issue, when I had problems with the site I gave remote access to my PC to Admin so he could sort it. I guess it was on principle, I'd posted my views on PV before it came in, and (call me old-fashioned... or a dick lol) but I'm a man of principle, and I'd set out my stall so to speak, and I didn't think compulsory PV was the way forward.
I maintained my viewpoint.
Compulsory PV was abandoned. Does that make me right? Strangely, I don't think so.
Yeah, I know, now I really do sound like a dick.
Seriously though, ANY measure to improve security and enhance to users confidence in a site has to be a good thing, I just don't think making it compulsory is the way to do it.
There is only one way to not get "caught out" by fakes, and that's "due diligence", put the time and effort in to checking things for yourself, use the info they supply and follow through. We have NEVER had a "no show" or let down in 10 years of swinging, make of that what you will.
Apologies for the long post, but I just wanted to put it out there.