Thanks for this, pretty much most points covered a mind understood. Good on those that can discuss it with their GP, I've always found it weird as at my surgery it's a group of partners so I almost never see the same person twice (and may see them only once a year if a serious ailment, otherwise I just take ibuprofen and tough it out). As for GUM clinics, absolutely invaluable!
I will say though (and this may come across controversial), oddest experience I had at a GUM clinic was when the doctor wanted to inspext my bits ... And it was a female doctor in a hijab. I'm standing there thinking "I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure in your religion you can't have physical contact with any male that is not your husband or direct family member, not even shaking hands,... And I can see your wedding ring... So how do you explain to your husband your job entails handling the cocks and balls of complete strangers everyday?"
I will reply to this and disagree of you comment controversial and ask why you state?
As a professional I would expect one to wish to examine me fully irrespective of religion or race and certainly not question as in the case and way you have.
Re the surgery practices process, Yes your correct many many surgeries you see a different doctor each time, but you do have a dedicated assigned doctor registered with your name and you do have a right to book see the same doctor for consistency too, oh and not having to explain over and over. if you did see different each visit.
This is where you hear people say unable to get an appointment because they wish to see and stick to a certain doctor maybe taking care of you. I speak from this as in the know and experience of my health issue and meds now for 25 years.
Many do not know since around 2015 you now have the right to change doctors in your area, it in not like a catchment area only now. Again In the know my doctor was a partner of surgery she left went to other surgery up the town and I filled in to keep her signed where she works now and see her oh and only on a Monday & Thursday now too.
Many think you have to stay where you are. You dont, you can now go sign elsewhere even if a distance you can but the Gp practice discretion and may say home visits if needed may not be applicable but again now in our area you wish for a home visit there are 2 Gps & 2 paramedics so to improve patient experience. If your that ill life threatening in all honesty you call 999, thats where the problem is educating thise what is life threatening requires a ambulance what doesnt and partly why the NHS ambulances are stretched. Peol not all do not understand what 999 ambulance really is, thats why also now GO surgeries are introducing the paramedics as a Gp. Again speak in the know and Mr Fetish is actually a First responder on behalf of essex Ambulance service trained at the Essex Ambulance head quarters Broomfield Chelmsford
Now the last thing I must pick up on of what you said re hijab/religion and question why? She is a qualified doctor & professional!
If you was in a situation life or death she is there would you still ask yourself the same about what they supposedly can and cant do?
That doctor has studied past examines and last year was the year of the woman and still woman fighting for equality.
Male or female doctor who cares what religion and do and donts thet allowed.
Your conscious possibly life threaten about to could die she has to examine you? WTF her hijab got to do with anything and or question? She a woman so what? she is qualified would not be practising otherwise so what? Who why You be judge jury executioner and question this qualified professional doctor?
I leave it there huns and this is not meat to come across controversial either a little cross as a woman but getting cooler now lol.
Lots of love
Sami-Jo XX