When I joined I made a decision to be fully open and not hide or restrict anything to anyone ,be they a couple ,female or Male , so blocking anyone despite what I feel isn’t going to happen, your never agree with everyone or like everyone so , randomly blocking someone through what they say or how they do this, jealously or any other reason to me works against the ethos of being social...
I don’t mind if I’m ignored ,people can say what they want but they should expect a reply ... Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it !
I have only ever on your advice blocked one person an ex partner of a lady I did chat to and meet before she left the site ... as soon as she made the decision to go I unblocked that person...
Random blocks restrict access to threads can make then disjointed .
I understand it’s different for couples and single women when they get down right disgusting messages that’s fine ,to block persistent idiots who don’t seem to understand how the site or lifestyle works , I obviously know why this thread has been started as I have been blocked which restricts my access to the sites Social events granted organised by a member who took it on himself to take that role and which has now meant to I’ve started another thread gauging interest in socials which in some respects is counter productive for the site as it could cause issues with clashing socials better to have one where all are welcome ...
The upshot is I don’t block for any reason I want to see this site become the success it deserves and all having fun together , we may not all agree or like each other , or Jump into bed with each other .... there’s enough grief in real life to deal with why bring it here !