You are missing the point entirely. These are not just numbers they are people. I live, care for and love a man who would almost certainly die if he caught influenza or covid.
Let me give you an example that may make sense to you.
If your child had a fatal disease that could only be cured by a vaccine that might, only might, give them a 30% chance of living would you say no?
Of course not, you would jump at any chance of saving them if you have any decency because you love them and it is the only right thing to do
N xxx
One other thing, I guess, to mention: “It’s only like the flu”.
Up until this year, I’d never bothered having the annual flu vaccine. I rarely got flu and was lucky enough - not the case for many - that when I got it, it was ‘bad’, but not
BAD. This year, my GP warned me: if you get flu
and Covid, it’s very, very very bad.
So I took her advice and had the flu jab, And I’ll now have it every year. Because, y’know,
I trust my GP. If I didn’t trust my GP, she would no longer be my GP.
That’s what I don’t get. Why would you continue to have anyone as your GP, your lawyer, your accountant, etc.
If you don’t trust them? And if you DO trust them, then
follow their fucking advice.
(Not necessarily their
advice about fucking, though; I’ve no idea whether she’s into the same things I am…)
But yeah, if you trust your GP, follow their advice. If you don’t, get yourself a new GP, one you do trust.
I genuinely don’t understand a mindset of
“I trust my GP to look after my health, I’d always call her if I was ill… but no, I don’t trust her when it comes to a fucking GLOBAL PANDEMIC!”