Genital Piercings

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Deleted member 1402

I have considered having a VCH,but my fella says it won't heal properly because I'm diabetic.
I've played with a lady and she lost the piercing, thought I'd swallowed it, but we switched the lights on in the couples room and found it! That was a relief!


18 July 2015
I had my labia pierced when I was 16, and the holes just stretched and stretched without even trying, I had 2 6mm rings through one side and I removed them years ago but now have one very long and dangly labia and one regular sized one. I just found them a nuisance, they got in the way, got twisted up and got all gunky and gross...glad to be rid of them lol.
This is what I was on about.. Women do not need wangers for iccle tight bits :eek::eek:;)
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I had my labia pierced when I was 16, and the holes just stretched and stretched without even trying, I had 2 6mm rings through one side and I removed them years ago but now have one very long and dangly labia and one regular sized one. I just found them a nuisance, they got in the way, got twisted up and got all gunky and gross...glad to be rid of them lol.

Yeah but they make a great finger puzzle now :)


15 September 2014
As mentioned here
From a man's point of view;
About 15 years ago I had my left nipple pierced. It was always uber sensitive anyway and I did it for just that reason as I wanted to increase the sensitivity which it did.
However, I was working in a kitchen at the time and one of my waitresses (was head chef) twisted my nipple without realising I had it pierced! :eek: That hurt like hell and delayed the healing process for quite some time.

I think in total it took me about 6 months to heal fully, but bearing the above in mind.
Would definitely recommend it as it heightened the sensitivity for me at least!

Would never get a Prince Albert! Ever...
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18 July 2015
As mentioned here
From a man's point of view;
About 15 years ago I had my left nipple pierced. It was always uber sensitive anyway and I did it for just that reason as I wanted to increase the sensitivity which it did.
However, I was working in a kitchen at the time and one of my waitresses (was head chef) twisted my nipple without realising I had it pierced! :eek: That hurt like hell and delayed the healing process for quite some time.

I think in total it took me about 6 months to heal fully, but bearing the above in mind.
Would definitely recommend it as it heightened the sensitivity for me at least!

Would never get a Prince Albert! Ever...
Oh baby.... I know how sensitive it is :whistle::sneaky:xxxxx
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I have a clit hood peircing. Dont even notice it anymore.
Pics in album somewhere did it hurt no.
Did i refrain from sex yes for about two days.
its probably actually the least painful peircing ive had done.
the most painfuul was actually my nose.
Tongue was just uncomfortable for a week.
9 January 2016
I had a clit piercing......I certainly didn't have to wait weeks for sex @The-Bibas !!! Lordy no!!!
It didn't hurt either @Emmatvessex, they have an AMAZING spray to help numb everything and it was over in the flash of an eye!
I used past tense because I no longer have it and I would never have another one again! Mine got embedded in the skin and I ended up in A&E having it removed by a male doctor who thought it was hilarious! (Not offensively, we both laughed about it!)
I did also have a nipple pierced but when I changed from plastic to metal my body didn't like it and I could replace the plastic bar after taking out the metal one!!
Blimey I've waffled!! Sorry!
Oh and sexually it did nothing for me at all!!!
jeez traumatic much
9 January 2016
I have considered having a VCH,but my fella says it won't heal properly because I'm diabetic.
I've played with a lady and she lost the piercing, thought I'd swallowed it, but we switched the lights on in the couples room and found it! That was a relief!
good god, from what ive read on this thread so far, it looks like an awful lot of hassle
9 January 2016
As mentioned here
From a man's point of view;
About 15 years ago I had my left nipple pierced. It was always uber sensitive anyway and I did it for just that reason as I wanted to increase the sensitivity which it did.
However, I was working in a kitchen at the time and one of my waitresses (was head chef) twisted my nipple without realising I had it pierced! :eek: That hurt like hell and delayed the healing process for quite some time.

I think in total it took me about 6 months to heal fully, but bearing the above in mind.
Would definitely recommend it as it heightened the sensitivity for me at least!

Would never get a Prince Albert! Ever...
will never EVER understand Prince Alberts - bonkers

Deleted member 1402

Prince Alberts clank on ya teeth! Had to try it! Not good either if your teeth are prone to chipping like mine and god help if you get the ring on your fillings!
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15 September 2014
I knew someone who had a Prince Albert!!!! It looked VERY painful! He said it stung for months every time he went for a wee!!!! :eek:
Oh my word no. I'm not surprised.. wow no. just no. Aside from the 'look what I have' factor, which I can see why some would want to flaunt that (not me) I just don't get it.

Interchangeable tips too.. Yes I am serious. You can get all sorts for em :eek:
noooo :whistle:

Deleted member 1402

Oh my word no. I'm not surprised.. wow no. just no. Aside from the 'look what I have' factor, which I can see why some would want to flaunt that (not me) I just don't get it.

Interchangeable tips too.. Yes I am serious. You can get all sorts for em :eek:
noooo :whistle:
take it you wouldn't like sounding?:D:D
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