What Kind Of Person Are You In..

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Deleted member 2610

Guilty as charged...those I've pm or chatted with are hopefully getting to know me.
I think once the ice is broken then away you go and enjoy mmmm...:whistle::whistle: Xxx
27 April 2015
Private messages and / or chat?
Are you a romantic chatty person? A tease perhaps, a lady/gentleman? Patient? Considerate?
Or are you one who enjoys flirting and innuendoes, and word games to play and tease the person you are chatting with?

What about dirty naughty chats? Are you one to engage and enjoy in cyber sex in messages and chats? Do you enjoy having that filthy dirty naughty chats? Or does it do nothing for you?

Come on.. spill.. :D ;)
Hmmmm, im sure i will be corrected, But for me, I try to be the gentleman and polite, but happy to be responsively flirty should the situation arise,.........Mrs A Team is an outright flirt, loves the attention, and gives it back, usually with both guns firing, she is definitely a lady that knows her own mind lol !!


11 August 2015
All of them at some times, it depends on who I'm talking to. I always try to be polite and considerate, I do like to tease people but I hopefully also know when to back off.
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