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9 September 2017
Hi y'all,
As some of you may be aware I've been waiting on a couple of large financial institutions to get their act together and release some of my investments to allow me to get some cash.
Well, at last they've done it.
This means I can get myself a new car, I fancy a BMW Mini. I'm going to Sytners, the main dealers, tomorrow :D
And it means I'm mobile and so can travel to events, meetings etc.(y)
It also means I can start visiting clubs Woo-Hoo :sneaky::cool::D
I feel that I can now take part in the wonderful world of social swinging :)

Deleted member 3175

I have a BMW Mini Cooper S, have to say its a great car, but when something goes wrong it can be very expensive, especially if they need code reading x
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9 September 2017
@Antogs being in the industry I would urge you to avoid buying a mini, not met.... But we like you! We know you like spanking..... But it's not as nice with those cars!!! Do not buy a mini or a French car... My best advice!!! X x X

There literally is not a single car on the road with a better reputation for reliability, build quality and sheer Joie de vivre than the new 1.5 BMW Mini's. I absolutely adore it.

Having said all that today didn't go according to plan.
I'm relying on my mum to drive me to the dealers to pick out which Mini I want.
Well I met her this morning and ended up having a blazing row so no viewing today :mad:

So what did I do?
I consoled myself by indulging in a little retail therapy.(y)
I ended up buying:

A new Guitar
A new iPad 2 Air
An Amazon Echo (Alexa)
An LED strip light pack (Dance, Dance, Dance :cool:)
An iPhone 8 256gb
An LG Soundbar
A pair of coated black designer jeans
A Ben Sherman Covert Coat.

And when I've got a minute later I'm going to order some Nipple Clamps :sneaky:
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22 July 2017
We used to dub it the 'mini grave yard' they have faults galore! ....from a mechanical point of view some of the most basic jobs you can carry out on a normal car, you need to take the whole front end off the car!!!! A simple job, turns into £££££!!! I wish you more luck than our customers! X
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18 July 2015
We used to dub it the 'mini grave yard' they have faults galore! ....from a mechanical point of view some of the most basic jobs you can carry out on a normal car, you need to take the whole front end off the car!!!! A simple job, turns into £££££!!! I wish you more luck than our customers! X


18 July 2015
We used to dub it the 'mini grave yard' they have faults galore! ....from a mechanical point of view some of the most basic jobs you can carry out on a normal car, you need to take the whole front end off the car!!!! A simple job, turns into £££££!!! I wish you more luck than our customers! X
Perhaps you should take this on board @Antogs (y)

Deleted member 3175

I've worked in the car industry most of my life..(design etc) and hate what BMW did to our car least it's currently made here..tX

I’m with ya on that one but they are really good nippy cars. I’ve driven plenty of different motors in my life but this one, thread her anywhere! S xx
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9 November 2015
All cars no matter the manufacturer have issues of one kind and another, yes some will cost more to maintain than others but at the end of the day you buy what you like and deal with the ups and downs of ownership ... I had a Renault Van for over 16years .. they have a reputation for being crap ... it’s still running today never had huge issues with it ... Bought a Mercedes to replace it ... read different reports give different views ... so @Antogs if you have your heart set in a “Bini” then buy one ... if you buy something else you will always wonder should I have gone for that ...
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