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26 July 2016
My daughter did similar and was classed as a bully by the headmaster for sticking up for someone who was vulnerable
Fortunately for m8 my headmaster was an ex pro rugby player and looking back I think he was quite glad I did what I did with the bullies as I often ended up in his office for it but never got in trouble some how
19 March 2015
Course it's even worse on some internet sites ... recently just on a site and someone thought it would be funny to pick on young girl with disabilities
Course no moderation. No protection , So sammy strikes again
So glad to see that kind of thing doesn't happen here
It everywhere I'm saddened to say there's not a community that's isn't dealing with this issue
@Sammy it will always be dealt with on here.

Some shocking stories coming out. I won't go into too many things, atm at least anyway.
But absolutely awful stuff coming out.

What do people feel about cyberbullying and the way it's increasing?


@Sammy it will always be dealt with on here.

Some shocking stories coming out. I won't go into too many things, atm at least anyway.
But absolutely awful stuff coming out.

What do people feel about cyberbullying and the way it's increasing?

It is so easy to be a keyboard warrior, they can sit behind a screen and keyboard and feel powerful

It's so easy to create a persona
Ever watched catfish ?

there's so many sites where anonymous chat can happen , with no moderators.
Vulnerable people are picked on for no reasons and to make the key board warrior feel better about themselves

I'm sure @Stew will pass comment on this one .. pet hate !!
26 July 2016
on a lighter note, I once had a boss who decided to try to bully me and as I did not like the job I decided to take a couple of weeks sick and find a new job whilst sat at home, I found a new job and returned to work with the intention of resigning and walking out but before I could he demanded I got to his office for a bollocking and as it turned out the sack. He got all revved up and said I am giving you your final warning and I said shove it I am resigning and said here are the keys to my company car and placed them on the desk in front of me and stood up. as he reached for the keys I lost my head and hit him so hard I knocked him out. Expected the police at my door but never a peep from anyone
26 July 2016
It is so easy to be a keyboard warrior, they can sit behind a screen and keyboard and feel powerful

It's so easy to create a persona
Ever watched catfish ?

there's so many sites where anonymous chat can happen , with no moderators.
Vulnerable people are picked on for no reasons and to make the key board warrior feel better about themselves

I'm sure @Stew will pass comment on this one .. pet hate !!
Problem is how to deal with such things when kids are connected 24/7
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Problem is how to deal with such things when kids are connected 24/7

This is the other issue
Social media is everywhere

When something happened in school on Friday , by the time you went back on Monday it was forgotten about ..... now my Monday the world and its mother knows?

If we are talking about young people use if gadgets

Do parents really monitor?


I don't watch soaps but bullying should not be tolerated in childhood, adulthood or otherwise. End of.
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15 September 2014
Oh and just a quick ps

If you are watching little janet or john texting their "friends" for hours just check on the name of the site.

If anyone with concerns wishes to inbox me privately I am sure on this occasion Admin won't mind me telling you the name
To be honest, considering the nature of what you have just said, can you PM it to me first please before distributing it to members?
Thank you. :)
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26 July 2016
This is the other issue
Social media is everywhere

When something happened in school on Friday , by the time you went back on Monday it was forgotten about ..... now my Monday the world and its mother knows?

If we are talking about young people use if gadgets

Do parents really monitor?
Yes we always did and always had overall control of the computers as I kept admin control also our wireless internet shut down each night at 10pm and mobiles left downstairs overnight. The fact the boys knew I could access anytime with or without them ensured they stayed the right side of the line
24 November 2015
My kids never had a mobile till they were 15 and they only used the computer in the living room.and I had parental control set on it also the house phone
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15 September 2014
Oh and just a quick ps

If you are watching little janet or john texting their "friends" for hours just check on the name of the site.

If anyone with concerns wishes to inbox me privately I am sure on this occasion Admin won't mind me telling you the name
Okay.. as I have just said to @Stew and after a quick review and search of this place I will say that as it's not a swinging site per se, but a chat room site, there's no immediate such need to share the name to warn others off.
However if members feel it would benefit them to know then by all means ask @Stew
Many thanks.

Deleted member 6127

Great replays and some very moving accounts of what people have gone through during their lives.

Bullying is a NO in whatever format it appears physical, mental or cyberspace. We all stand up to it in different ways....may this continue and lead by example.

So much bullying goes on behind closed doors and for me any man that lays a finger or mentally bullies a lady or child is no man, has no balls and needs a serious hammering...

Xxxxx :0)) T
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Great replays and some very moving accounts of what people have gone through during their lives.

Bullying is a NO in whatever format it appears physical, mental or cyberspace. We all stand up to it in different ways....may this continue and lead by example.

So much bullying goes on behind closed doors and for me any man that lays a finger or mentally bullies a lady or child is no man, has no balls and needs a serious hammering...

Xxxxx :0)) T
Mr Tatts

Couldn't have summed it perfectly , couldn't gave says it better myself

Equally shame on any woman that raises her hand ....alas another thing that some people find hard to believe but is very much happening
18 October 2015
As an adult I have been bullied in the workplace. It was a subtle process of picking and undermining by my line manager until I reached the point where I lost all confidence and ended up suffering from depression and panic attacks. What a lonely place that can be. Even after I returned it continued until I put my big girl pants on and reported it. It did then stop but at that point I had decided enough was enough and that then tainted job had to go which it did and funnily enough she followed it...... not gloating of course.....
I will never go back there again. It was a nightmare
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18 July 2015
A local girl recently hung herself due to online bullies, this made the national press. The bullies couldn't say anything to her face but abused her on social media, gutless pigs.. This poor girl was 14 and felt she had no where to turn.


15 September 2014
A local girl recently hung herself due to online bullies, this made the national press. The bullies couldn't say anything to her face but abused her on social media, gutless pigs.. This poor girl was 14 and felt she had no where to turn.
Yes this was awful and sadly the second suicide in two years, from cyberbullying. Awfully tragic.

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A local girl recently hung herself due to online bullies, this made the national press. The bullies couldn't say anything to her face but abused her on social media, gutless pigs.. This poor girl was 14 and felt she had no where to turn.
Our sons friend did exactly the same thing... That's why he stood up for someone else when he saw it was happening xx


18 July 2015
Our sons friend did exactly the same thing... That's why he stood up for someone else when he saw it was happening xx
It's so awful and not enough people do stand up to them, or help enough when someone is in that situation including me. We lost a member here due to bullying, I didn't see it before it was to late and she left, if only she spoke out x

No longer with us

It's so awful and not enough people do stand up to them, or help enough when someone is in that situation including me. We lost a member here due to bullying, I didn't see it before it was to late and she left, if only she spoke out x
Do you know who was the bully ??
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19 March 2015
What does disturb us the sheer scale of cyberbullying and keyboard warriors. If you feel that brave to knock someone, and slag them off behind the anonymity of social media and being online, then you're an actual coward.
If you've got something to say, then say it to their faces directly...
Bullying in any shape or form is simple cowardice.

Bullies, as we all know, prey on people to make themselves feel better about the fact they're shallow, meaningless creatures themselves - who usually have a hole so wide in their lives where they're missing something or someone.
So by being a bully, they get to feel better about themselves.
As in reality, they're no one. A nothing. A nobody..

No longer with us

What does disturb us the sheer scale of cyberbullying and keyboard warriors. If you feel that brave to knock someone, and slag them off behind the anonymity of social media and being online, then you're an actual coward.
If you've got something to say, then say it to their faces directly...
Bullying in any shape or form is simple cowardice.

Bullies, as we all know, prey on people to make themselves feel better about the fact they're shallow, meaningless creatures themselves - who usually have a hole so wide in their lives where they're missing something or someone.
So by being a bully, they get to feel better about themselves.
As in reality, they're no one. A nothing. A nobody..
Heat hear...,
Don't know which one to press
So we Like, Agree, Winner and feel the love xxxxx
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18 October 2015
What does disturb us the sheer scale of cyberbullying and keyboard warriors. If you feel that brave to knock someone, and slag them off behind the anonymity of social media and being online, then you're an actual coward.
If you've got something to say, then say it to their faces directly...
Bullying in any shape or form is simple cowardice.

Bullies, as we all know, prey on people to make themselves feel better about the fact they're shallow, meaningless creatures themselves - who usually have a hole so wide in their lives where they're missing something or someone.
So by being a bully, they get to feel better about themselves.
As in reality, they're no one. A nothing. A nobody..
I agree with this whole heartedly. I would also say that if you can get perspective on what these people actually mean to you i.e. if they have no influence on your life outside of this bullying scenario then what they think or say will soon come to mean less and less. I know it's difficult when you're in the moment but afterwards that perspective stops you being affected in that way again by idiots x
19 March 2015
I agree with this whole heartedly. I would also say that if you can get perspective on what these people actually mean to you i.e. if they have no influence on your life outside of this bullying scenario then what they think or say will soon come to mean less and less. I know it's difficult when you're in the moment but afterwards that perspective stops you being affected in that way again by idiots x
Completely agreed! You have to actually pause and reflect and think to yourself; "Wait a minute, what do they really mean to me anyway?" And you'll soon be able to laugh at them and laugh it off. x
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