Chameleons club in the West Midlands have, for years been attended every month by staff from a local clinic to carry out checks for anyone who wants to go along a have their minds put at rest, they will test for all problems which can be contracted through sexual pleasure. They also started giving condoms for free some years ago where prior to that they only sold them. When we organise parties at home we always have free condoms clearly on show and available for our guests.
Great to hear that both the club and yourselves are prepared to do this. I know other clubs have a similar process in place as well. The main issue I believe is when individuals meet as they maybe less likely to protect themselves either through ignorance or because they are prepared to take a gamble that things will be alright, which is where the online sites can get involved. Most sites charge but do very little to warn their members of the potential dangers when they do join. A little of their profits used for education would go a long way toward helping.