Eu....stay Or Go?

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15 September 2014

Deleted member 1402

Blimey, after reading the article - although it's clearly IN, it's made me more determined to vote out..It's actually a detrimental article with the opposite effect.
it's left me confuddled after trying to read that. Arrrgh, just don't know what to vote.
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15 September 2014
it's left me confuddled after trying to read that. Arrrgh, just don't know what to vote.
This comment kind of sums it up;
Well my my ,after reading this ,this is the very reason why we as a Nation should pull out out of this undemocratic red tape set of affairs which is the intimidating threatening organisation or put it another way, do as i tell you or else which is the EU in fact the EU should be disbanded altogether and then and only then will independent Countries will be able to negotiate terms on an equal footing with each other and the rest of the world and maybe Countries and its peoples might forge greater ties ,as it is now myself and no doubt millions of others DESPISE the EU and everything it stands for

Deleted member 3289

Blimey, after reading the article - although it's clearly IN, it's made me more determined to vote out..It's actually a detrimental article with the opposite effect.
It's all about informed personal choice in the end...and I guess balanced articles can be read both ways. I just think more impartial information is needed... and it seems there are fewer places we can look for that on all sorts of issues...


Some very interesting points.
£55m a day just to stay in? :eek:
The main thing that worries me is the NHS, as it's what I use on almost a daily basis, but could our Government do away with it and not just the EU bleed it dry?

For scale, the cost of the NHS is £2 Billion a week against spend on the EU of £385 million.

The cost of replacing Trident is now estimated as £167 billion.

Economic benefits from membership of the EU single market are underestimated.

I will be voting in.

Deleted member 1402

For scale, the cost of the NHS is £2 Billion a week against spend on the EU of £385 million.

The cost of replacing Trident is now estimated as £167 billion.

Economic benefits from membership of the EU single market are underestimated.

I will be voting in.
ouch, £2 billion. Not surprised with how fast the countries population is becoming, an ageing population and a rapid increase in obesity. I really really rely on the NHS, I doubt I'd be here otherwise.
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10 December 2015
Barnard Castle
I am Voteing out.. I remember the EEC whick is what the EU is now and it was for trade.. not to tell other countrues what they can and cant do, I am just sick and tired of the EU telling us for example we must take so many refugees each year...when we dont have the houseing for the people in this country, the drain on our benifits for the pensioners.. disabled people all so they can have a cushy life.. ok Ill stop but you get my point this used to be Great Britain now we are just the UK....... end of rant :)

Deleted member 1402

I'm gonna end up not voting. I'm getting anxious as I just don't know what to vote. Reading articles is confusing me and last thing I need is to get so anxious that I start having panic attacks. :confused:
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15 September 2014
I'm gonna end up not voting. I'm getting anxious as I just don't know what to vote. Reading articles is confusing me and last thing I need is to get so anxious that I start having panic attacks. :confused:
Okay here's the latest stats to give you something to think about...
Immigration of the UK has risen this year by huge amounts.

It's net immigration is approx 184,000 up last year from 174,000 from the previous year.
Here's the scary thing Miss ViVi;
The steep increase in EU net migration was largely due to a rise in numbers coming from Bulgaria and Romania, from 44,000 to 58,000.
Now the even scarier thing;
a THIRD of immigrants are NOT working!!
Secondly, over half are economical migrants.

This is clear, we need out or we are soon at bursting point. (I think we are already mind)
As it happens, our polling cards have just come through the door while writing this.
Odd. :p x


Migration Watch UK | Statistics-net-migration-statistics

The EU14 grouping includes citizens of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

The EU8 grouping includes citizens of Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungry, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The EU2 grouping includes citizens of Bulgaria and Romania



There is no visible line for commonwealth as so low as to not be visible

So breaking EU figures down by sub sector you can see that after the EU2 admission there has been a specific rise in net migration from there, as seen after the EU8 admissions in 2004. This is pure economic migration and has been experienced by all the lucrative economies of the west. But, also note that the rise in EU2 migration is paralleled by EU14, citizens of Western Europe ie France, Germany, Spain etc. The likely differentiator is that the EU14 migrants are skilled workers filling posts the UK lacks skills in whilst the EU 2 migrants are likely to have poorer education and language skills and therefore not be registered as working. That doesn’t mean they are not working just not officially. In my experience these people will be cash in hand workers, not paying tax etc but using the systems benefits. So really the problem is how to differentiate between the wanted and the unwanted. Simple, remove state benefits like health and schools from those who do not pay local tax. For the first 30 days you are in the UK you are covered like a tourist, as UK nationals are anywhere in Europe, after that if you are not paying tax/NI, no access to services, please go home for support.


15 September 2014
There is no visible line for commonwealth as so low as to not be visible

So breaking EU figures down by sub sector you can see that after the EU2 admission there has been a specific rise in net migration from there, as seen after the EU8 admissions in 2004. This is pure economic migration and has been experienced by all the lucrative economies of the west. But, also note that the rise in EU2 migration is paralleled by EU14, citizens of Western Europe ie France, Germany, Spain etc. The likely differentiator is that the EU14 migrants are skilled workers filling posts the UK lacks skills in whilst the EU 2 migrants are likely to have poorer education and language skills and therefore not be registered as working. That doesn’t mean they are not working just not officially. In my experience these people will be cash in hand workers, not paying tax etc but using the systems benefits. So really the problem is how to differentiate between the wanted and the unwanted. Simple, remove state benefits like health and schools from those who do not pay local tax. For the first 30 days you are in the UK you are covered like a tourist, as UK nationals are anywhere in Europe, after that if you are not paying tax/NI, no access to services, please go home for support.
As a reader who could be reading this , whether in or out, this is excellently written Mr @Twickerman .. (y)

Deleted member 3289

Okay here's the latest stats to give you something to think about...
Immigration of the UK has risen this year by huge amounts.

It's net immigration is approx 184,000 up last year from 174,000 from the previous year.
Here's the scary thing Miss ViVi;
The steep increase in EU net migration was largely due to a rise in numbers coming from Bulgaria and Romania, from 44,000 to 58,000.
Now the even scarier thing;
a THIRD of immigrants are NOT working!!
Secondly, over half are economical migrants.

This is clear, we need out or we are soon at bursting point. (I think we are already mind)
As it happens, our polling cards have just come through the door while writing this.
Odd. :p x
So two thirds are working and contributing to the Uk economy. The EU Referendum for me is not just about immigration but about the wider national economy providing jobs for all and about the UK having a necessary influence on European policy. Let's be progressive, embrace being European and change things from within.


15 September 2014
So two thirds are working and contributing to the Uk economy. The EU Referendum for me is not just about immigration but about the wider national economy providing jobs for all and about the UK having a necessary influence on European policy. Let's be progressive, embrace being European and change things from within.
Agreed on some things, likewise for myself personally it's not just immigration.. However, I personally do not want us to embrace the wider European community. People on a board not even living in this country get to govern our laws, and play puppeteer with us and that doesn't sit well with me. :)

Deleted member 1030

People on a board not even living in this country get to govern our laws, and play puppeteer with us and that doesn't sit well with me. :)
Well, yes, this ^ ..... but you could take that to its logical conclusion and argue for complete country-wide devolution. Why should people in Westminster decide what happens in Yorkshire or Cornwall? Why should people in Cardiff decide what happens in Wrexham or Pembroke? I've even heard it suggested that Westminster should have no say in London's affairs!!

Deleted member 3289

Well, yes, this ^ ..... but you could take that to its logical conclusion and argue for complete country-wide devolution. Why should people in Westminster decide what happens in Yorkshire or Cornwall? Why should people in Cardiff decide what happens in Wrexham or Pembroke? I've even heard it suggested that Westminster should have no say in London's affairs!!
And taking it even further, why should @Admin have any control over @Pearls? -oh that's right, he doesn't!
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15 September 2014
Well, yes, this ^ ..... but you could take that to its logical conclusion and argue for complete country-wide devolution. Why should people in Westminster decide what happens in Yorkshire or Cornwall? Why should people in Cardiff decide what happens in Wrexham or Pembroke? I've even heard it suggested that Westminster should have no say in London's affairs!!
Yes but that's within the country itself correct? I see your logic, but it's not quite on track because... well, Brussels isn't within the United Kingdom, is it?

And taking it even further, why should @Admin have any control over @Pearls? -oh that's right, he doesn't!
We have an even marriage. (y)

Deleted member 1030

Well, yes, I'm being slightly flippant (though I'd like to point out that London's not in Yorkshire, so :p back atcha).
I've got some serious problems with the way the EU operates, not least because it is mostly business-interest orientated, but I think I'm leaning more towards the 'inside-the-tent-pissing-out' school of thought i.e. we can only hope to change things if we stay part of it.

Besides, if you listen to both campaigns, we're heading towards ultimate destruction whichever way we vote! :confused: