Fake Orgasm

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19 March 2015
I've occasionally faked orgasm when it what my partner wanted but I wasn't able or, simply, a couple of times because I was bored
Duuuude.... :eek: :D

After reading an article this morning, I was shocked to find that a lot of young women in they're 20s are faking orgasms..

One lady can reach orgasm herself but it takes her a long time to do so, when she is with a guy she has no hope and has to fake it to save face.

I find this very sad but I've never been in this situation personally and if I couldn't reach orgasm then I wouldn't have an issue in talking to @Admin and telling him the truth.

Are there ladies out there that have this problem or have you ever faked it?
I wonder if the stats have changed now people are supposedly more liberal and open minded etc? x
26 March 2018
I think its so sad that women ever feel the need to fake it, I have heard so many reasons given, that they just want it over with so they can go to sleep, or their partners don’t turn them on - Rather than have a miserable sex life, why don’t they sit down and talk to their partners about what works, By faking it just makes the poor man think he’s doing it right so he’s not going to change as he thinks what you like!
Men are simple creatures really, show them what you like and they’ll happily do it.

I would never be able to fake it if I wanted to a) I cum too easily anyway, Tog says some days a change in wind direction would make me cum and b) I would end up laughing / feel ridiculous if I tried to fake the sounds I make when So no starring role for me in the remake of When Harry met Sally


18 July 2015
I think its so sad that women ever feel the need to fake it, I have heard so many reasons given, that they just want it over with so they can go to sleep, or their partners don’t turn them on - Rather than have a miserable sex life, why don’t they sit down and talk to their partners about what works, By faking it just makes the poor man think he’s doing it right so he’s not going to change as he thinks what you like!
Men are simple creatures really, show them what you like and they’ll happily do it.

I would never be able to fake it if I wanted to a) I cum too easily anyway, Tog says some days a change in wind direction would make me cum and b) I would end up laughing / feel ridiculous if I tried to fake the sounds I make when So no starring role for me in the remake of When Harry met Sally
Same here. Orgasm in 0-5 seconds :rofl: I used to think I had a problem and wasn’t normal :confused:
19 March 2015
And just watch any over produced American porn, must of the actresses would have me losing an erection with the noises they make “n’yeah n’yeah”

Agreed. I find it excruciating to watch if I’m honest. I can’t stand it. We both don’t like it actually... there’s just nothing about any of that which we find appealing.
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