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Funny Sex Bloopers

  • Thread starter Scrunchy&Muffet
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So I'm sure we've all had something go horribly wrong during sex that made you laugh so much you thought you might wee. Cmon don't be shy...tell Auntie Di xx

Our was me and Mr M just about to get jiggy. Mr M reached for the lube and proceeded to lube up the foo foo. I start thinking hmmmmm this feels a bit warm... which quickly went to shit my foo foo is on fire. He'd only gone and lubed me up with ibuleve gel. Once he'd stopped laughing he helped me, little swine. I do not recommend anti inflammatory gel on ones foo foo. Xxxx
17 December 2015
Your poor foofoo .... I know its recovered, but I'm always available to kiss it better or run it better (or both) xxxx
B (just so you don't get confused which of us is chatting lol hahaha)
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


Cmon B you must have some to tell......

And thanks lol. She's recovered now but bless ya....imagine deep heat on ya nether regions lol....ouchy xxx
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


EPIC is definitely the right word hahaha - I know "LOL" is often overused .... but I HONESTLY laughed out loud when I read that!!!

Right enough laughing at my expense you pair lol....tell me your bloopers lol. Xxxx
Reactions: Therapon
17 December 2015
We tried 'pop rocks' (or 'space dust'.. depending on what part of the world you're from) ... one tip ... it CAN be fun, but DON'T use any with CINNAMON in ... has a similar effect to CHILLI!!! (not a nice thing to do to a man ... makes him wonder if he's still going to BE a man afterwards!!!! )


Hahaha hahah and ouch! Sounds painful lol xx
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


Well same situation as you, dark room, apparently toothpaste can be quite sensual, Admin chucked the whole tube, I was bouncing on the bed like Zebbedie hahahaha

Hahahhah hah Oh my Lord pmsl. You don't recommend it then? Hahahah hahaha. Bloody hurts don't it? Bet @Admin found it highly hilarious too lol xxx
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls
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