Not so much a sex blooper, per se, but when we were in Ibiza, a few years back, we decided to take advantage of the nearest nude beach. We got to the beach to find it packed with 'textiles' so, acting upon information received from Google, we walked to the northern end of the beach. After a good 20 minute's walk, we found a spot which was sparsely populated with a few naked folks. As we made camp with our towels and bags, Lis decided she wanted a drink and set back off down the beach to the bar that was near where we'd first arrived. As she disappeared, I bit the bullet and stripped off. Now, I'm no fool and the thought of the Balearic sun burning my, er, more sensitive areas made me search in the bags for some suntan lotion, which I found and applied liberally all over myself, paying special attention to my cock and balls. I then laid back to catch some rays, while the beach filled up. I heard a few sniggers from passers-by but I put that down to me being a fat, pink blob on a beach full of bronzed beauties. Eventually, Lis returned with beer - and tears rolling down her face from laughter! Now... I know that suntan lotion comes in different strengths - I never realised that some of it had gold glitter in it!!! I'd been bloody lying there looking like a melted Oscar

Talk about Goldenballs

The worst thing was that it was waterproof, so NO amount of dips in the sea would shift the bloody stuff

Naturally, Lis was not in the least bit sympathetic and spent the whole afternoon peeing herself laughing.