@Richandpixie blocked me for some reason? There’s an entire conversation going on here that I can’t see!

Tiger xx
I'm blocked too. I can only assume, as I've had no interaction with them, that they have either blocked people by mistake or they think they're somehow special and don't want to associate with either certain members or all members
Before anyone jumps on my back about prerogatives, choices etc. I'm fully aware that people can do as they please but that doesn't mean other people (me) have to agree with that choice.
So, here's my opinion (not like me to have and express an opinion is it?)
The name of this site is SOCIALswinging.
In my opinion, if someone has an issue with another member/members then for fuck sakes behave like a civilised adult human being and let them know what the issue is. Maybe there's been a misunderstanding or someone was having a bad day and spoke out of turn, maybe they have no idea that they've done anything "wrong"
Whatever, I hate it when people take the cowards way out and simply block any chance of sorting things out.
What follows?
Do people stop going to events in case the other person's there?
Do people who were friendly with both parties have to make a choice?
Are both the blocker and the blocked better off for not being able to make sense of certain forum threads because there are gaping holes in the dialogue?
It's pathetic, childish and it's totally against the ethos of any site that is there to promote a SOCIAL aspect to it.
So, to be frank, in my opinion, apologies for any offence caused BUT
If you can't be SOCIAL, Fuck off !!
Love, peace and fondest wishes,
Antogs xx